SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu


I was hoping Boortz was already dead since he’s been off the radio for years now.


it depends on a number of factors but the kid should be the priority not the custody battle. The kid should stay where he or she is most comfortable and will feel the most secure.


Hate to see it, really broken up about this one


Two-year-olds can be tough to poll and, in the presence of a court order, determining the child’s preferences can sometimes require that a qualified independent assessor be appointed (that’s Ireland of course, maybe USA#1 is land of the free toddlers). Doesn’t seem like a viable option in this case.

And either way, a two-year-old will ~always prefer whatever’s been most recently suggested to them by the primary caregiver, so like I say: Bar the door and radio silence. Further communication only indulges the notion that there’s something to discuss. There isn’t.


My pony is probably pending test results here, but the backlog in tests really is astonishing.

California has a ~two week backlog in untested samples and is only doing like 2,000 tests a day. I mean, Georgia has been laughably bad, but this is on a different scale. The data they release each day are basically meaningless.

It’s mainly the fault of Quest Diagnostics, but really it goes to the Federal Government, and the whole idiotic American fixation with letting private enterprise do literally everything.


I agree and to be clear I was not suggesting we ask the child what their preference is.

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In what state is the CDC HQ again?



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China approves delicious bats as possible treatment for CV.


thank you and good luck


To be fair, he was probably pretty busy using this pandemic as a cover to see how many more minorities he could kick off the voter rolls.

only braised, grilled bats are absolutely disgusting.

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If we abolished the stock market congress couldn’t make money off insider trading

Meanwhile, in France…

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Sums up France’s attitude to Africa since year dot.

With independence looming, rather than encourage French professionals to work there to help ease the transition they pulled everything out of their former colonies asap in a huge hissy fit, leaving schools and hospitals etc in total disarray for ages.


Resuscitation? Anyway I think we have our first two human-subject volunteers! Descendez-vous!

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Looks like we’re 7-10 days behind you regarding testing in the Czech Republic at the pace we’re going.

The PM, Andrej Babiš, suggested that schools can open if students can stay one meter away from each other while in class. It’s clear that he’s never seen the inside of a classroom before or a hallway for that matter. He’s just giving people false hope that schools will open before June. There’s a poll asking if this is feasible at the bottom and it tells me that 4% of Czech internet users are trolls.

This is ridiculous because at the same time he said that everything would return to normal at the end of May or the beginning of June which is simply wishful thinking. Schools are the last thing you open. He also said that he expects some places to open after Easter which is an almost Trumpian promise especially when he also claimed that the peak of this pandemic for the Czech Republic will occur at the end of April. This is really why people don’t like Babiš. The guy is a billionaire grifter who knows next to nothing and yet makes these audacious claims (sound familiar?). He isn’t Donald Trump bad but they have a few similarities.

Sure, the curve is flattening in the CR but nobody here knows what will happen if businesses start to open and people start walking around doing things. IMO, things shouldn’t start going back to normal until the R0 is below 1. Since the lockdown and measures put in place, it’s gone from 2.47 to 1.3. Shit’s getting better but we’re not out of the woods yet.

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Just looking for opinions on this corona-related situation.

I’m on the board of a small town farmers’ market. These markets have been deemed essential by our state, and so we are planning to open in early May. Obviously, that’s still some time away but of course a lot of work and prep goes into this.

We recently determined which vendors selling this season, with some limitations while covid-related physical distancing is going on. The state farmers’ market association says only food vendors should be allowed right now (no crafts).

The board voted to allow allow a homeopathic (natural medicine) vendor, as well as those selling plant starts–both ornamentive and vegetable.

Thoughts? Dereliction of duty or are we helping to improve food security and access to medicine?

I was the only person to express concern.

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