SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

LOL she needs to stop engaging with the guy and bar the door. One final ass-covering statement of her reasons for not giving him access and then total radio silence until things change. If it’s feasible and she’d agree to it, you might consider staying over for a while. If he goes all Say Anything, call the cops straightaway.


US confines all 170,000 federal prisoners

Almost 170,000 inmates housed in United States federal prisons have been confined to their cells and wards for at least two weeks to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons says at least 57 inmates and 37 guards have been infected throughout the 122 federal penitentiaries in the US.

Such lockdowns are usually only implemented to quell prison unrest, but the Bureau says the move “is based on health concerns, not disruptive inmate behaviour”.

Inmates would still have access to education and mental health treatment, while “limited group gathering” would still be allowed to facilitate access to showers and other services.

The moves comes amid news that two prisoners have been killed by the coronavirus at the same Louisiana prison.

I guess one hears what they want to hear.


Unemployment in Ireland has gone from 4.8% three weeks ago to ‘over 17%’ according to the government.

Yyyup. Half my day is explaining shit to the newly unemployed lol. Feels like job security of a sort.

Hey that’s a big part of my job too now. In a few weeks I wonder will you be explaining unemployment stuff to me or I to you?




Its also there are strong powerful vested interests who don’t want meaningful climate change action. The PM panders the them.

There’s isn’t a group of people who benefit from coronavirus going unchecked. Which is why the response in the US is so completely fucking bonkers.

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Here was my reply from PA unemployment office:

We are still waiting on those details from congress. Once we have them, they will be posted to our website at

Guess it’s refresh every day time.

With the Loeffler thing, I’m not even 100% convinced she has done anything wrong, like it’s plausible that whoever manages her money took a gloomy view of coronavirus at about the same time that many here did. I mean it’s probably insider trading but… the larger issue is these things are really hard to prove and can be subtle, and there can be large time gaps between the quid and the pro quo, if you follow. The correct answer is that members of Congress should not be allowed to own stocks. I mean they should, but only in certain pre-approved algorithmic funds, like index funds.


The correct answer is that multimillionaires should not be elected to represent the general population (or even worse be appointed to the position by governors like in her case).



Did Russia donate protective equipment to US?

The US has sought equipment from Russia as the country copes with coronavirus - however, whether it was gifted or purchased remains unclear.

Mike Pompeo, US secretary of state, tweeted that the country “purchased urgently needed personal protective equipment” to help deal with the situation in New York City.

But the Russian foreign ministry says that the US paid for half of the supplies, and the other half was donated by Russia.

The Russian Defence Ministry TV channel had broadcast footage of a plane being loaded with medical masks and “special medical equipment, of which there is a shortage in the States”.



Although the rate of case increase in Australia is clearly slowing, this is largely due to decreased numbers of cases from overseas. Whether we control the real underlying epidemic, with community transmission happening, is more up in the air. I guess another way to say that is that when you look at Australia’s case number of 5 thousand and something, that case number is artificially high compared to other countries, both because of high testing levels and because Australia imported a ton of cases from overseas. Australia’s outbreak is smaller than it looks, but might not be any easier to control.

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10 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the last 2 weeks.


Worked last night on my usual floor. The isolation floor is full, so Covid-possible patients are spilling onto all the other floors. Because I had some experience on the isolation floor, they gave me all Covid patients instead of the usual patients on our floor.

My night went fine. What upsets me is the state of our ICU. We officially only have 8 ICU beds, but that whole floor is being turned into a makeshift ICU (28 beds). Three patients I’ve had over the last two weeks are down there now.

One Covid-positive, on comfort measures, and is actively dying. He’s in his 70’s and wasn’t doing well when he first got here… hospice and palliative have been involved, so it’s no great surprise.

The other two are 47 and 51, I admitted them both with a cough and fever. One is positive, the other is still waiting, but probably positive. They both had to be sent to the unit, and both are now intubated on a ventilator.

Just for fun, a frequent flyer on our floor is also in ICU and not doing well. He’s had multiple weeks-long stays on our floor, and while he’s not Covid positive, I was sad to hear he’s not doing well.

But the real kick in the gut was finding out that a respiratory therapist who sometimes worked our floor passed away, yesterday morning, from Covid. He’s the first health care worker to die from this in our fairly large hospital system. He was older, and we aren’t sure exactly where he caught it, but he went downhill rapidly.

So we’re all taking PPE seriously. I’m glad I don’t work in the ICU, it’s not a happy place to be right now.


Revolution is needed

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