SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

You can take my balls, but you can’t take…MY FREEDOM!


I think these isolations are becoming more common where healthcare workers don’t want to risk their families and are isolating.

Got to be tough.

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It was really good, especially the way he closed with “we had a WEAK response, they had a STRONG response”. Recruit this guy to do messaging for the Dems.


Church gonna be packed on Sunday in Florida to own the libs.


It sucks that they are going kill a lot of decent people along with themselves with their stupidity.


My concern with that is he may be in a situation where he is working a ton of hours and won’t be around as much to take care of the kid.

I have been thinking September is earliest anyone starts moving back to normal so that sounds right.

They haven’t released any estimates on cases / deaths I assume like they did here?

So if Australia is doing this til Oct, that means NBA, NHL, and MLB probably out til 2021.

It’s way upstream in the first thread but the early rumors from autopsies done in China were damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, a couple other organs I dont recall, and neurological damage.


Yeah I recalled the heart, lungs and neurological damage (which I assumed was related to not getting enough oxygen to the brain). I missed the kidneys and other organs.

I understood that the immune system can get into a hyperactive state, and that can hurt most other organs.

I think Mlb is likely toast. I think the NHL and NBA could possible offer a half season if things clear up around the end of the year but that would require a massive treatment breakthrough or the virus dwindling on its own and not picking back up again in the fall/winter.

Meanwhile Devin Nunes is screaming we can’t even wait until the end of April.


The messiah is protecting us (from him).

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No, they’re being kind of secretive about it, which would be worrying except that, like I said, the government here are generally pretty competent with this sort of thing. As early as ten weeks ago Australia listed COVID-19 as a disease with pandemic potential under the Biosecurity Act, and an expert medical panel was convened and has met every day since January 31. The government’s response has been guided by them. Expertise and knowledge are still respected here (except for climate change obviously, we break out the denial for that).

The PM’s comments were in the context of talking about imposing harsher lockdowns, where he commented “careful what you wish for” and said this:

He said the situation had been getting “very, very real for Australians” particularly in the last week, but the government had been clear-eyed about it long before now.

“We are one of the few, if only, countries that have been talking about the coronavirus pandemic as being one that we are going to have to live with for at least the next six months. I have been very clear about that,” Mr Morrison said.

“For a very simple reason – I really want Australians to understand that we need to be in this for that haul. It will be months. We need to make changes that we can live with and that we can implement day after day, week after week, month after month.”

Morrison sucks and is a bad PM, but he was smart enough on this to know that he had to listen to the experts and repeat what they say.

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I think the big differences with climate change are 1) the consequences are not immediate and 2) anything we do unilaterally to address climate change will have little impact globally. With something like this, people don’t seem as checked out as they are in America, the tabloid media are not so partisan (although Murdoch media is a scourge here too). If the government bungled this response, everyone would know it, and there’s a bit of an attitude here that being tucked away from the rest of the world, with no borders, things affecting other parts of the world are things we should be able to avoid here. Especially coming on the heels of what was widely seen as a botched bushfire response, a botched response here too would have elicited vengeance from voters next election.

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Pretty crazy how different American conservatives are compared to conservatives around the world. I don’t think you guys are really safe though. From my time going around the internet trying to argue with lol trump supporters, it seems a lot of conservatives all around the world LOVE trump, and want to push their country in that direction. Hopefully the boomers die off before they’re able to do that.

Yeah, like Trump has a 35% approval rating here these days, we have a lot of morons, like everywhere. It’s somewhat harder for the lunatics to take over the asylum though because preselection of candidates (what you call the primary process) is a largely backroom process, it’s not done with public votes. Also the conservative Coalition definitely still remain the party of elites (lawyers, doctors, executives) with Labor retaining a union presence, whereas things are a lot murkier on this in the US. Despite all this, the conservatives have become noticeably more crackpot in the last, say, 10 to 15 years, but it hasn’t progressed to the extent of the US.

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China approves bear bile as treatment

China has approved the use of bear bile to treat critically ill coronavirus patients.

The National Health Commission has recommended the use of Tan Re Qing - an injection that contains bear bile, goat horn and herbs - to treat patients with Covid-19.

But there is no evidence the mixture has any medicinal value.

Bear bile, which is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years and fetches a high price in the illegal international market.

The move to approve its use has angered animal rights activists and comes just weeks after the country banned the sale of wild animals for food.

Moms COPD is acting up and it fucking sucks. She wakes up at 3am coughing. She is able to go back to sleep after the breathing treatment and is generally fine throughout the day. So far at least.

Last time it got like this I had to take her to the hospital where she presumably got sick and almost died. I have a brand new N95, gloves and hospital gown if we do have to go back to the hospital, but I find myself trying to make peace with her possible death.

I need some xanax or something before this anxiety and stress kills me.