SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Is it too soon or morbid to say Start a thread with the celebrity Corona deaths…

The Judge who jailed The Gambino crime syndicate died today too.

No celebrity but definitely famous enough.

Schlesinger was just a master pop rock songwriter. I think him, Matthew Sweet and John Davis of Superdrag really had that sound perfected all around the same time. Schlesinger was also in Ivy with a bit of a different sound

And of course they snagged him to write the song this whole movie was built around

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Glad Florida finally caved and is closing all non-essential. My brother works for a major sporting goods chain and aprtly they are listed as essential since they sell firearms. The fucked shit is that they are closed for inside traffic and therefore its not actually possible to buy a gun (I think because of the background check or something like that). They are talking about opening up the inside later this week but I think that is unlikely. His store is in the middle of a 50k population redneck ass town full of Trumpass morons so I’m sure they will be packed if they are open for business. Kinda beginning to really dawn on me the reality of people fucking losing their jobs all over the places and small business that I loved closing their doors for good. Going to end up like a countrywide month long hurricane if we are lucky and things are going to be quite fucked for a year or two because of this fucking disaster.



What the fuck? What date was that from?

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The question is not which day but which alternate universe

Legit surprised that they didn’t have “technical difficulties” and cut away in the middle of that guy’s response.

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Cliffs? I hate awkwardness and confrontation.

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Just watch it. None of that, I promise.

Basically, dude gave very straightforward answer about how USA fucked up the whole COVID-19 response with respect to testing. Host let him finish uninterrupted. Thanked him and that was it.

As an aside, I think that if someone like this slips through the cracks and makes it on air, the way it was handled was probably the best from FOX’s point of view. Just quietly ending it is far better than asking follow-ups and trying to poke holes in what he is saying. Too much of that and viewers might start thinking about it.


All death stats are rigged.

On Tuesday, doctors in Detroit reported another disturbing case involving a female airline worker in her late 50s with Covid-19. She was confused, and complained of a headache; she could tell the physicians her name but little else, and became less responsive over time. Brain scans showed abnormal swelling and inflammation in several regions, with smaller areas where some cells had died.

Physicians diagnosed a dangerous condition called acute necrotizing encephalopathy, a rare complication of influenza and other viral infections.

“The pattern of involvement, and the way that it rapidly progressed over days, is consistent with viral inflammation of the brain,” Dr. Elissa Fory, a neurologist with Henry Ford Health System, said through an email. “This may indicate the virus can invade the brain directly in rare circumstances.” The patient is in critical condition.

Some zombie apocalypse stuff there.

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So we got this virus attacking the lungs, the heart, testicles, the gastrointestinal tract, and now the brain. Some people are still wondering why things are getting shut down.

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This one got to me. About a doctor who has moved out of home to protect his family.

I only knew of the lungs and heart. Are you for real on the others?

Shocked I wasn’t ponied, caught up on the thread to check… Fauci getting death threats.

If she’s worried the play is this.

Let the kid go with dad

Make the kid stay with dad for a few months until things get better

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well, gastro stuff usually isn’t more serious than many other things and well the ball region won’t kill you either but even without symptoms there’s been at least one early study that’s shown a decline out of the man region from this. I probably should find it and link it but I’m lazy but I think nearly everything gets attacked, it’s just the lungs/heart are the most severe and obviously the immediate threat so the other stuff is mostly getting ignored for now.

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Australia has now tested more than 1% of the population. It’s thought we are the first country to hit that mark. The government is not releasing its epidemic modelling, but it says the model has our outbreak peaking sometime in late April. The Prime Minister says we can expect the restrictions and social distancing requirements to last until at least October.