SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Oh man, just saw Adam Schlesinger from Fountains of Wayne died today from this. Definitely the first celebrity death to hit home for me.

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Oh wow. Yup, first one for me too.

I was asked by her to get information. I didn’t just interject myself into it. I’ve already directed her to a lawyer and a family court mediator. Not sure why you’re giving me a hard time.

That’s what I am doing. I was asked to provide information to her and I am definitely going to oblige. I won’t have the appearance of being a neutral bystander to an outsider, but I am being neutral.

The hard part with our data is new areas are coming up fast. The US as a whole will essentially be a collection of Italys. Some areas maybe a little worse by the time we are done, Florida with the late action and older population is prime.

New York is disproportionally represented right now. In the future it will help keep the National rate of increase down as its cases level off.

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We don’t actually live together. He has already threatened to bring the cops and bash her door down to enforce the custody order. He is a loyal Trumpkin and he will go out of his way to be an asshole over this no matter the resolution. He turned down seeing a family court mediator. He won’t go for just seeing her over Skype. He says he is asymptomatic since transporting the infected patient so he couldn’t possibly have it. Lol at him for that.

My girlfriend is scared out of her mind right now. She lives alone with 3 kids - the daughter in question and her two kids from her first marriage. The other two kids are both immunocompromised, so if the custody arrangement does continue, she feels it would be a risk for her to see their daughter once the ex has seen her. It’s an awful situation considering how long this could go on. Awful for all of them.

She talked to a lawyer today that told her she was ok to disobey the order. Without getting into the legal ramifications or the moral conflict, I was a bit surprised.


I thought about that. Italy too had one region hit first and then the other. Overall the total curve stayed smooth.

They’re also all flagged in countries with really favorable laws to them and also lol maritime law.

I’ll believe that when I see it. The dems have one house of congress and they’re not even really US companies. I don’t think they’re getting a bailout.

I guess this goes here.

Wireless does your brother live in LA or is this engineer an actual train engineer?




Was about to say after a few minutes that it sounded a lot like Go the Fuck To Sleep

Always my favorite Fountains of Wayne song:

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Some OK news here, in Oregon it’s beginning look like social distancing is working

Sucks to hear about Schlesinger, only 52 too.

Joe Exotic in coronavirus isolation in prison


Always had a soft spot for this one:

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Hackensack is a great song. Another classic

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someone at fox news probably got fired for screwing up having a real person on talking about it