SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I thought for sure that was an April Fool’s prank, but nope. Date says March 31.

well we’ll see if the US death rate spikes up to 10% like Italy’s. Either Italy has a large bias towards testing only their sickest or we’re going to see like 40,000 dead in the US in the next week.

Where’s the narrator account when you need it.


Parked the vehicle up, that’s me for at least 4 weeks, managed to work out a 2 weeks holiday and a 2 week break for working up till now & guaranteed a Radio when I return. Its good to leave on favourable grounds.

I fortunately have enough cash for around 3 months atm by using my insurance monies + got a small loan from the parents.

I might go to the local pharmacy and do deliveries for a few hours a week… Need a few days to reset my sleeping clock and all should be good.

Dam… I hate being homebound, but it is what it is and I’ve done my bit for now.

Stay safe everyone and for those still working :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :heart: U Hero’s :100:


This seems like a reasonable objection:

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IDK if the vending machines are an amazing idea (too slow getting the gear out?) but they’re hardly some kind of outrage, the purpose is to have gear available in various places around the hospital without the risk of thievery, which has been happening. The staff access it with their RFID cards, like obviously this isn’t a payment thing, think about it for two seconds, in the impossible event that a government did such a thing they wouldn’t be advertising it on Twitter.

Steven Marshall is the Premier of my state, a position roughly equivalent to being both governor and leader of the state House.

What’s the alternative, going to a storeroom 100 feet away? Leaving supplies randomly scattered all around the hospital? It’s not clear that it’s a good idea (which is why they’re trialling) but it’s not clear it’s a bad one, either.


I don’t understand what a phone zap is.

A cupboard? Like, the objection seems to be that these things dole out one item at a time to you. Seems like it could easily be sped up by just having the staff be able to open the door and take what they/ others need.

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Shit, that’s true. I even remember seeing a vending machine like that at one of the more automated places I work with. Instead of having a storeroom or foreman that you get your gloves and stuff from they used a card for it at the machine.

Have to be careful pulling the guillotine switch, I guess. There’s no going back!

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There is basically no universe at this time where the cruise lines don’t all end up bankrupt. They’re not giving refunds because they literally don’t have the money.

Iirc it’s incredibly difficult to successfully sue cruise lines because the tickets have all sorts of restrictions on litigation that swing it heavily in their favor.

Good thing they’re getting massive bailouts!


So if this doesn’t slow down, we’re on pace to hit 10,000 deaths a day in 11 days.

Total infections are finally show signs of slowing down. Best we can hope for is that this is a leading indicator and the deaths start decelerating soon. No sign of that as of yet.



IMO if they called them “automated equipment dispensers” it would have sounded a whole hell of a lot better than “vending machines”.

But then people would have been all “ORWELLIAN DOUBLESPEAK!!! THOSE ARE VENDING MACHINES!”

Yeah the messaging is pretty bad. I’m no fan of Steven Marshall btw, he’s a conservative and he sucks. Our conservative governments here tend to at least be competent though, we haven’t had the invasion of the hooting morons you have there and don’t have so much corruption. Our conservative parties consist mostly of people of the ilk of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, not Louie Gohmert and Devin Nunes.

Just looking at Italy’s data, their news cases peaked on Mar 21 and new deaths peaked at Mar 28, so maybe that is a leading indicator.

Acts of God baby

We get our masks and face shields from the charge nurses whenever we need them (we are supposed to wear the shields all day or until they break, and masks we replace every 4 hours). Gowns and gloves are outside every room and are still single use at our hospital. There’s no visitors so not much worry about people grabbing gloves that no sane person wants to wear for more than 10 minutes. If a code is called the charge runs to the room with faceshields and masks to hand out to anyone coming in who needs them.


Yeah I think it’s the same here re visitors so I don’t know how much of a problem theft really is, I know some theft has occurred here though.