Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

Alright then I’ll tentatively do Friday and if not I will definitely do it on Sunday. Friday is kind of a busy day but I’m ready to get it done while it’s still fresh in my head.


I’m still on for tomorrow then. Probably around noon PST


Hail yeah.

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2020 Walrus reveal will begin in 60 minutes. I’ll tag before we get going



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I’m excited for this one. Pretty into new music lately.

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But I want it now!


I’ll start off with the bad news - I didn’t really vibe with this category, no matter how hard I tried. Other than the song in first place and the artist in 2nd place, I don’t see myself going back to any of them soon.
I thought about why this happened quite a bit and I think there are 4 options here.
The first one is that 2020 music sucks. I find that unlikely.
The second option is that you guys sent bad entries. Other than for laughs and all, I think that’s also unlikey.
The third option is that I should do a better job defining my taste and preferences because as much as it’s fun to say ‘send whatever you want’, it probably not an effective way to get music I actually like.
The last option is that I just ran bad. I mean if you guys sent your 2nd choices each, maybe this whole category would feel better.

I believe it’s a mixture of #3 and #4 here.

The good news is that none of it matters, there are still 91 points to be given and no one cares how you got them.




I’m feeling a nodium for this one. let’s do it.





Category host name: Yuv
Category: A song that was released in 2020. I don’t listen to enough new music. I hope you young hip individuals can introduce me to music in the year of the pandemic
Any other judging notes: I won’t specifically penalize highly known songs but tbh i don’t know many songs released this year to begin with

Yeah I’m keeping my nodium streak going here

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I’m on a tight schedule here as my son was banished from preschool for a runny nose offense, so imagine walrus images here.


I loved my entry for this round, and was looking forward to hearing some interesting new stuff. It sounds like I should lower my expectations on both fronts


In 13th place with 1 points

Horselords – Fanfare for Effective Freedom

Okay, I had a couple iterations of the commentary here. Most of them were strictly explicits.
This is literal torture and I can’t imagine anyone enjoying this. I will point out more specifically that I’ve unfortunately went through roughly 50 MRI exams in my life and this sounds exactly like the inside of an MRI machine. THAT IS NOT A COMPLIMENT SIR.


Mine was better than an MRI machine!

Great success!


I hope I can do better than that. The submission deadline was creeping ever closer and still hadn’t struck any gold in my research when I came across a track I actually liked. I hope Yuv will as well.

Edit: I did not submit an MRI machine. So far, so good.

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Me too! whew.

ok, just listened for real and I’m cracking up because it totally does sound like that.