Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back



Sorry! I think I was just inceptioned and broke the spell.

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Zomg I will!

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Son of a bitch!


First rule of Walrus: don’t ask about a time you aren’t prepared to deliver on


Right? This is “If Cena wins, we riot” levels of outrage


We have @Yuv for Thursday.

@mjiggy, Friday is open. I don’t see anyone else pushing for it. Please confirm.

I don’t mind switching if @mjiggy rather do his reveal tomorrow.

We’re going to need a shared Google calendar.

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I’ve got one song that I’m rating highly but seems to have no relation to the category…how to proceed??

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With great power…


Category host name: SwankyWilder
Category: It is documented that this summer is Hot as a Haddock - I would like anything featuring the word Hot, or it’s derivatives, or anything Fish related
Musical tastes: Likes - pop in all its glorious forms - and my definition of pop is very wide. I do like a good tune obscured by noise. Dislikes - Jazz, Folk, Hard Rock, Metal apart from the bits of these I arbitrarily decide to like
Any other judging notes: Familiarity breeds contempt, except when it doesn’t

Your judging notes don’t say anything about category fit. “Hot, or it’s derivatives” could be widely interpreted. It’s up to you how to judge it. I would try to make the winner relevant to the category though.

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Ask Pauwl to contact the Walruser to explain why they think it fits the category. Then proceed as you see fit. I put a song that didn‘t meet the category in last place when I hosted but you are free to do whatever you like.


I mean i understood the category as anything with those words or derivatives, so i think it’s a category where reaching out to the person is preferable.

Last because of category fit or prepare for riots.

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Best song first or riot.

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I can’t do tomorrow. @cassette said maybe Friday. If he can’t do it I can probably but it may be on the later side, like 7pm EST

A higher power has pointed out a word I had missed in the lyrics, all is well


I def can’t do this week. Stick me in the barrel of bailers. Work/life/existential dread is busting my balls. I’m enjoying the guitar picks tho!

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Lest I remind you all of the comedy category