Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

OK this song is really good, well played. Seities submitted a great cover of Stay Away by him for my walrus.


I totally missed that. They sounded so different.

Yeah I heard the Jose Gonzalez a few times and thought it was a nice song but then I somehow discovered it was a cover and checked out the original and was knocked out of my socks.


Thanks! I was selfishly wondering if @pyatnitski found out about this artist via me submitting that cover, or when I posted this track in the “what are you listening to” thread:

But I am sure The GOAT was well aware of him before I ever was.


Yeah you probably learned about Charles Bradley from him somehow, even if it was just osmosis through the forum.

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I can say that 2020 sounds a lot like 1986.

oh my first listen has been mostly swapping out my dead last place over and over :frowning:

update - i regret my category choice


I liked the song I chose for your category enough that I almost submitted it for other categories instead, guess maybe we’ll both be having regrets.

It probably not one of the contenders for dead last as those would only fit a secret “songs that are most likely an attempt to troll yuv” category

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I’m really excited to see what you thought of mine…

Which likely means I’m headed for last

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I actually think a Friday reveal would be realistic but there are two songs im having trouble getting to the mandatory third listen :(

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I can’t be the only who thought CanadaMatt3004 was gonna be labelled Mr Consistency here? (You was robbed imo).

Way too little butthurt guise (and girl). COME ON.

Props to Pauwl for the quick turnaround.


OK I’ve gotten a bunch of listens in for my category so I might be able to do my reveal earlier than Sunday if things don’t pan out for other people. Also happier with my podium and even a few of the other songs I didn’t like as much at first.


The power of inception!

Sorry, but no. I listen to quite a bit of instrumental stuff from the label he was on, daptone—I scored my first ever walrus victory with something from them back in ChrisV’s OG effort—and I found that song by putting on one of their singles compilations when I was trying to find something for Pauwl’s category. I love soul like that, but don’t listen to enough of it.

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I actually have my final ranking and most of my write-ups, so I can go Thursday (I inceptioned myself apparently).


I hear today is open!


So if a few things go right I might actually be able to do my reveal on a couple of hours. Will people be around for that or should I was for my assigned time?




Gotta have a rail! I’ll check back on an hour or so at which point I should have a better idea of what I’m doing.

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Actually never mind it’s not going to work, I’ll shoot for Friday or Sunday depending on other people.