Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

This is exactly how i plan to get rich on Walrus gambling.


That was fun even though I got Pauwl’d. Good job everyone.


No. Edgware is so horrid I feel I ought to apologise on its behalf.

Unless you meant the Edgware Rd (maybe more likely because of a large ex pat Middle Eastern crowd?), in which case :+1: best ME food in London.

It was a great place to live back then. Wish I hadn’t sold my house, I would be a fuck ton richer at this point

cheers to Pauwl for kicking this off. Looks like I’m on the way to Pauwling this walrus, so it seems appropriate


This might be the best sentence in the history of literature


Do you love the love?

Thus my Walrus is completed



You wouldn’t recognise Turnpike now - it’s one of the roughest parts of North London I know.

@mjiggy is up tomorrow

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You already said which song should win so i say we switch places. So close! Nicely done.

Glad you liked my choice Pauwl. It’s one of my favorite songs that I’ve heard in the last 5-10 years, was just waiting for the right category and host to submit it to. Would not have guessed it should have been pyat if i wanted that extra point.


Thanks for identifying your songs, everyone. Scores are below:



Thanks again for kicking things off Pauwl!

To all others don’t feel rushed to do your reveal. Ideally we have a few more this week, and things should start to ramp up more next week once we have all had a bit more time to prepare.

Btw, it’s very concerning that the GOAT is off to a flyer…and once again Mr Consistency (Swanky) is high in the points. Ominous stuff.



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Oh, and congrats to @NotBruceZ for making the podium in what I believe is his first ever Walrus reveal. Soak up the good feels. They generally don’t last…


I’d like to express my concern that GOATnitski used be known as WOATnitski around here. 2020 really is a wild place.


I said I could probably do this Sunday. I mean I could do it tomorrow but it would be doing everyone a disservice.

@Pauwl I assume you got that the Jose Gonzalez Heartbeats was a cover of The Knife version? Haven’t seen that in a walrus before - maybe someone submitted it for NotBruceZ’s category too. I did consider it but I like the original so much better.

I’m joking. Just give everyone 9th place and we’ll move to the next one.

Let’s pencil you in for Sunday, and I believe Yuv said Monday would work for them.

Not my first. I did some of the early ones.


Yeah well I never listened to any of those, even in 8th grade

Just this one album by NOFX when older; I like the album because it’s so varied…Bob has the bluesy part and scatting…I was never into straight punk songs, even tho Liza and Louise pretty much is, but the rest of the songs on the album counter-balance that.

I was actually just considering Bob for the yeah/non-word category but then realized this song is a happy one about love instead of a sad love song so sent it. Thus goes the story of how I nodium so often…