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sodastream? who’s into it?

I hear “Real” sodastreams are manufactured in occupied palestine, I think I’m probably going to take a pass on that. Sodasense seems pretty decent? idk, what’s up with these.

Yup, and beyond buying the dispenser and a half dozen CO2 bottles, they don’t make a penny off of me. I refill my own CO2 with dry ice, and make my own flavors. If I knew then what I know now, I’d probably just build my own system from scratch, but the sodastream stuff works well enough that there’d be no gain from abandoning it now.

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how do you refill with dry ice? I was thinking it’s probably possible to refill from a 20lb CO2 tank

Until 2015, its principal manufacturing facility was located in the Mishor Adumim industrial park in the West Bank, creating controversy and a boycott campaign.[12][13][14] In October 2015, under pressure from BDS activists, SodaStream closed its factory in Ma’ale Adumim and moved to a new facility in Lehavim,[15] and laid off more than 500 Palestinian workers in the process.[16][17]

Try red Pocket. I’m in red pockets at&t mvno and it’s good. My wife is on mint and suffers. Im moving her to red Pocket this month.

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It’s just what you’d think. Basically remove the valve, load in 450g of dry ice, reattach the valve.

The opening at the top of the bottle is quite narrow, so it’s a bit of a pain to do, but luckily the dry ice I buy comes shaped into cubes that just barely fit in. It’d be more of a pain if I had to crush it. Takes maybe 2 hours to do ~20 bottles and costs about $1.50/bottle. I fill them for myself, our kids, and a couple of my friends. Bottle exchange here is $20CDN so it’s well worth the time.

Here’s a video showing basically what I do:

As my dry ice comes as shards, I just put the chunks in by (gloved) hand instead of with a funnel, but other than that I do it basically the same.


Is sodasteam any good? Does it make decent diet sodas? I drink a shitload of generic soda now that I mostly stopped drinking beer, might need to fancy up my game.

The reason I switched is that basically anything from a can is way too sweet for me, and the sodastream syrups are no different. My wife really likes their diet ginger ale, she mixes it with grape juice. A buddy of mine buys their Dr. Pepper knockoff by the case. I make my own “syrup” from dehydrated lime powder ( and a bit of sugar.

Have you ever seen the vids where people try to recreate a classic Coca-Cola recipe? I guess some of the oils are actually impossible to get without some kind of license and cost a fortune.

Along those lines, have you ever considered trying your hand at a low-calorie soda with higher pH that won’t destroy your enamel? Seems like there’s a lot of chemistry involved and I don’t know much chemistry but would pay up for such a drink.

The CO2 is fundamentally acidic, so it’s gonna mess with your enamel no matter what if it’s fizzy.

That’s only part of it though. See: sparkling water.

*I mean Perrier or whatever prob has a pH of around 5 compared to colas which are in the 2s.

I like my teeth soft as a baby’s unused feet.

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I want to get a firepit for the backyard, something I can move around etc.

should I get this fancy thing from solostove that is always in my facebook ads or just get something cheaper from the local hardware store?

I don’t personally own one but I have a friend who has one. He had it on during a chilly evening a month or so ago. I was surprised by how well it distributed heat. He said he loves it.

Not that anyone cares, but I ended up going with T-Mobile. I was just to wary of data deprioritization on Visible.

It’s a good deal. $105/month (plus taxes, so round up to $120 or so?) for four unlimited lines. Deprioritization is only after 50 GB, which we won’t come close to.

Got four new phones: Samsung S20 FE 5G x 3 for $99 each and an iPhone 11 for $300. They’ve already screwed up our billing for that, so I’ll have to keep on them to make sure they fix it (they said they have, but I haven’t seen it update yet). The phone deals were the real killer here - no other carrier could come close. Hell, I could’ve gotten BOGO on the Samsung foldables to actually make them a decent price, but my daughter wanted an iPhone and the $99 for the others was too good.

I do have to stick with them for 2 years to get all the phone discounts, but as long as the service is good, that’s cool.

Speaking of service, our T-Mobile data speeds are horrible in our house. It doesn’t matter, since we’re on wifi, but it’s crazy. Before I switched, I tested Verizon and got 25-50 Mbps. I’m getting single digits on T-Mobile, sometimes as low as 1 Mbps. Got 25 once. But as soon as I leave and go as short of a distance as the supermarket parking lot next to my neighborhood, I’m up to 80 Mbps. Weird. Even the really slow speeds in our house - if we ever need to use our wireless data - load webpages just fine. We’ll see if the new phones change anything, but since it’s fast away from my house, I’m guessing not. Voice signal seems fine.

Anyone have any lounging pants that they love? I’ve looked up “best-of” lists for comfortable pants to wear at home, but I’m looking to get some personal recommendations as well. I’m looking for something for the winter months that I can sit on the couch and watch a football game in, but can also get up and chase my daughter around or play with her on the carpet.

I continue to love these pants that I recommended upthread:

Unfortunately, they don’t appear to be available at Costco anymore, which I realize makes this reply enormously unhelpful.

Edit: they appear to be available new on Ebay for $20-$25 a 2-pack. Which is totally reasonable.

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I used to get a Kenneth Cole sleep pant that were so good I’ve worn out a few. I can’t find them anymore either lol. Now I just have been buying some random sleep lounge plaid pants off amazon that are decent.

I’m looking for a hoodie with the following features:

  • Zip up, not pullover
  • Zippered side pockets
  • Chest pocket
  • Thin enough to be worn under a puffer jacket to create layers during winter

So far, the closest matches I have found are from searching for “tactical hoodie” on Amazon, but I would prefer something that I can try on in a store.

Idk if this is thin enough but everything I’ve ever bought from Spyder has been A+ quality stuff