Request Product Recommendations ITT!

Nobody asked, and I know there’s some anti-Amazon feelings here, but I bought an Amazon Basics paper shredder about 5 years ago and just got done sending 4 old mortgages/refi papers through the thing nonstop and it didn’t budge. I didn’t sort any of the mortgage papers to only shred the important ones, I just sent it all through. Took awhile but the shredder didn’t cry for help. Had to empty it about 7 times, but I can highly recommend it.

I’m looking to buy my first new bike and need some help. I’m looking for a bike that I can ride that I don’t have to fuss with any changes or mechanical issues (within reason). I will just be using it to ride around my fairly flat city during spring and summer days. Mainly hopping from brewery to brewery.

I would like to spend under $1000. I was looking at State because I dig the designs, but would love opinions on any suggestions. Thanks!

Got a single speed bike off of Craigslist in May from someone who basically finds spare parts and builds bikes out of them. Have had a couple small issues (one time one of the pedals snapped off when I was two miles from home which was super annoying) but overall it’s been great and purchase price was like $220.

Small thing to ask about, but got such good results about asking for a recommendation for clippers back at the start of the pandemic that I’ll ask it here.

I’m looking for a new pair of basic cotton sweatpants. I could just look on Amazon or Target or whatever, but I’m willing to pay more to a company that is ethical and treats its employees well (i.e., good pay). Also for good quality.

Any recs for a clothing manufacturer that fits the bill?

This really isn’t a product recommendation request, because I don’t know if there is an appropriate app, but if there is (or a setting), then I’d be grateful.

Here’s my problem

The way my day goes, it’s optimal for my phone to be on vibrate during the day and on ringer the rest of the day. The only way I can do this is manually toggle between the two. But if I forget sometimes the ringer is on when I would prefer vibrate and vice versa. Is there anyway I can set my phone so the ringer works from 5PM to Midnight and then it’s on silent/vibrate the rest of the time, without my having to actually do anything.

I recently got these cheap Eddie Bauer pants from Costco and they’re super comfortable:’s-jogger%2C-2-pack.product.100681620.html

I’m certain that there are better options out there, but I am cheap about many things, and I’d be suprised if you could beat these for value.

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Thanks, I’ll probably go ahead with those.

Check Old Navy. I used to hate their clothes because they were ugly and made you a walking billboard for them, but at some point over the last 20 years they must have changed. I got some super comfortable sweatpants, hoodies, sweaters, and athletic clothing there last year for dirt cheap and they no longer are branded with their logo. Not sure how they rank on ethics/labor/pay though.

Look at the Kona Dew line. I have one and it’s been a great bike. Go to a reputable shop and get fitted. If it ain’t comfortable, you won’t ride it. I’ve done 25 mile rides on mine and could have gone longer.

Also, get one of these if you want to keep your boys comfy:

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Black every day casual socks. No show. Good thickness

Whatever costco happens to be selling generally works for all of my sock needs.

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Vans do decent no show socks

Ok, it’s follow-up time. Way back in late November or early December I asked about super comfy hoodies. I’ve found two that I LOVE:

I’m not affiliated with either of these companies but I fucking love both of their hoodies and plan on buying a lot more.


Carhartt hoodies are awesome.

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Both of the sites say that the model they are using is 6’2 180lbs, which is great, because that’s me. However, with the carhartt he’s wearing size M, and it looks slightly baggier than what I’d want. And the Crossover is wearing size L, and it looks more like a slim fit that I’d prefer.

Did you buy different sizes from each? Or notice anything else about their sizing?

I’m 6’4 220, skinny-fat body type. The Carhartt L-Tall fits perfect. UNRL XL also is a great fit.

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The UNRL stuff looks like it may be relevant to my interests, I’ve been looking for some stuff that fits tall people and it’s pretty hard to find decent stuff in tall sizes. I’m 6’5" 250lb, I may try their XXL.

Nike has tall sizes, but availability is extremely sporadic. Under Armour is a little bit better, but both of them only really have tall stuff in their most basic styles. I have some NB stuff that I really like material/quality wise but they are just a bit too short in XXL and they don’t do tall sizes at all that I can see (which seems weird for a company that makes shoes in 900 different widths).

Android daily checklist

anyone have any running/exercise type gloves that actually work with phone screens?

I have a pair I got at costco and they do a decent job of keeping my fingers from freezing off but they are essentially useless with the phone.

I have some NB running gloves that work slightly better with the phone, but they’re really, really thin and they’re barely better than nothing when it come to the cold