POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

Oh fucking grow up.


I currently have too many hidden posts for TL3. Someone should just change it to Subtitle Wars.

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I don’t think it makes sense for posters who aren’t participating in a thread to edit the thread’s title. That said, this whole line of discussion probably belongs in the moderation thread.



Trump 2020: LOCK HIM UP
Biden 2020: Tax this man!


As I said, my title change was 100% on topic, Of course, our standard for “trolling” seems to be whatever gives some random fool a sad. Sad! To make a positive effort to get that fool off his intentionally disruptive posting (what I call trolling), I got a Q for you gurus…

Right now, is POTUS BOWL 2020 already decided? By that I mean are there enough early votes already cast, that the votes to come, unless one side luck boxed say a 4-standard deviation outlier, won’t change the early vote outcome?

If not, should we expect to reach that state sometime later today, or sometime tomorrow, before the live voting polls open on Tuesday?

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Sabo’s like that kid on the playground that acts annoyingly as possible because he doesn’t get attention or love at home


Enough acrimony. On behalf of the Unstuck POTUS BOWL thread, I’d like to extend our gratitude to the island of Poland for all the fine poles it released today. Danke schön!


Remember thinking/posting way too many times about how it doesn’t look great for Clinton…but the firewall!

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Those were some great vince memes to scroll through. F Des Moines Register. Wasn’t there some scandal around them and the Dem Primary poll as well, like they didn’t release it because the results were so screwy? But they aren’t afraid to drop that Trump +4 on us. Bastards

I agree with this, but at the same time I am kinda pissed that we didn’t do a better job of turning the tables on Trump with this issue. They want to tie Biden to the riots, when in fact it’s TRUMP who is president whilst these fking riots are taking place; it’s TRUMP’S people who are, in many documented cases, actually damaging property/setting fires and starting/feeding riots; and it’s TRUMP who is against the very reforms which are so desperately needed and the lack of which lead people to do these things in the first place. But I’ve heard very little of this, unfortunately.


I have several posts ITT and it’s predecusors.
Every single post I’ve made in this version is 100% on topic.
My title change was 100% on topic.

Now… that trolling fool could have just changed the title to whatever nonsense he felt like. But the didn’t and trolled this thread, with several posts, including brain-dead conspiracy theories. And now you are piling on, and making more silly off-topic posts.

That is all I have to say on topic forever. You fools can move on… or not.

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I don’t think Biden is capable of selling that argument very well. Honestly dems just need a lot more talented politicians. Hopefully with politics becoming such a huge part of everyones lives, plus the AOC/Bernie movement, we will start to get a LOT more talented politicians and I think we’re starting to see it with the AOC crowd. We just need to get the DNC boot of their necks to defeat some of these incumbents.



[quote=“cuserounder, post:358, topic:3002, full:true”].

Because both sides or something.

democratic-communism vs fascism

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The problem is finding reasonable conservative commentators. Where does one go for that? Bret Stephens? Bwa-hahaha-haha! Hugh Hewitt? Hee heeheehee!

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Four years ago, I declined to get into any election bets at the poker table because I was feeling uneasy. Now, I would snap accept a chance to bet on Biden.

The issue in the primary was that one of the pollsters increased the font size on his monitor which caused the list of candidates, which are randomized each call, to lop off the bottom name. A pete supporter blew the whistle on it, and they decided to not release their final polls out of an abundance of caution.

They have a reputation for being a good Iowa pollster, but due to the cluster fuck nature of the caucus, it’s hard to say how good they really were. It’s either a sign that WAAF and they are the only ones correctly polling the Midwest red wave, or Iowa is lean R just like always and they got a bad sample or are a shitty pollster.

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Pretty pathetic that what was clearly an on topic joke leads to a threat of a ban. I don’t expect anyone to care about my opinion, but given no one else said it yet I will.