
Sure is to me. Care to explain?

I don’t follow the thread in question. But it sounds like your query is why did your homophobic and misogynistic comments get flagged. Seems obvious.


Wild guess here but maybe homophobia and mysogny


181 posts were split to a new topic: Snowflakes flagging posts and stereotyping jokes

The moderation of this site is a joke and needs to be overhauled. Either make clear rules about what is acceptable and what isn’t, and enforce those rules unilaterally, or have a clique-based, unscalable system. The fact that a post can be flagged and hidden with zero moderator action and have more likes than flags is a critical flaw in this forum and can/will be exploited by people. It is completely unscalable to have community driven moderation. The fact we are unable to agree on enough to draft rules for moderators to enforce is irrelevant. It must be done, and it must be decided on. Whether that comes from a plurality or not I don’t fucking care, I just want it to be clear what is/isn’t acceptable here so I can follow those rules and be a good, contributing member of this forum.

The fact is, there are people in this community, and there will be more in the future, that are going to be more harm than good for the community. Moderators need teeth and directives to keep obvious trolls in line and to direct conversations to places that benefit more people reading. At least 30% of what I read on here is garbage lately. It doesn’t seem to be improving.

All I’m really asking for here is a clear set of rules and guidelines that are enforced fairly and unilaterally. If we can’t even accomplish that much as a society then what the fuck are we even doing? We are literally demonstrating why pure democracy doesn’t work. We are better than that. Do better than that.


I only know from my own experience - this post was hidden and has received 9 likes. I don’t think it was from a moderator, because none have identified themselves and I made a pretty big stink when it happened. There’s absolutely no way that this post received more flags than likes, and if it did, I’ll stand corrected.

If it was moderator action, then that is an even bigger issue. I am giving the benefit of the doubt that it was not.

you seem to really super care about this… i only read your post instead of scrolling by because it was hidden. Seems like an awful minor consequence.

Annoying, isn’t it?

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I’m just gonna chill here for the next few days. King Spew gave me 49 points yesterday for calling nohands a deplorable idiot, and I was already on 50 lol.


I don’t think this is a problem. Of course, moderators should be empowered to unhide posts that have been flagged and hidden, but community-driven moderation works as the first line of defense.

Most of the posts that get hidden are one-line, no-content attacks (especially if they use profanity), posts seen as expressing misogyny or some other form of bigotry, and posts that set off people’s alarms about violence. Almost everything else seems fair game.

I don’t think moderators job is to direct conversations, but if you want to have a more curated forum experience, then you can try to recruit wellnamed to be a mod here because I don’t think any of the current moderators want to be as heavy-handed as you suggest.

Only 30% garbage seems like a spectacular reader experience for an internet forum.

I have had other posts hidden. Very recently even. In every case, I have been able to admit where I was out of line and understood why it was hidden. In this case, it seems completely unrealistic and stupid. There is nothing I can see about that post that violates any kind of community standard other than it was “off topic” - despite the fact that there were dozens of posts addressing the fact that TL3 (don’t get me started on that travesty) sabo changed/trolled the thread title today. Seems pretty on topic to me.

Just saying the way the system works is annoying. Not speaking to the merits of why your post was hidden.

Can anyone search for the hidden posts with the most likes?

Hah, this!

Please just read my original post. That is my main complaint. The hiding of the post is my secondary complaint. The fact that Sabo is also not modded and frequently makes far more offensive posts than the one I made earlier is tertiary to anything. It is just a fact that has no bearing here and I don’t wish to litigate that fucktard and what he does around here. It does not have anything to do with my original post.

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Then I think they need to come forward and discuss this in a rational manner. Because I have flagged 7 posts that meet more of an abusive standard than whatever my post was hidden with, and only received a mocking response from the only mod I know of. I don’t even know any mods other than goofy.

This is the crux of my point. There are no standards.

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I predict that if we came up with the sort of explicit standards you crave, Sabo’s posting would lie within the bounds of what is acceptable.

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I’m getting horrible flashbacks!


Trolls like Sabo will walk whatever line is nearest to them. If there is a line, as long is it established, at least he’ll walk somewhat towards that line. He already edited/deleted at least one of the posts I reported today, showing he has at least somewhat of a sense of self awareness of the style/effect of what his posting has.

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It was that bad

@JohnnyTruant Have you fully recovered yet?

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