POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

What were the changes?

Sabo changed the subtitle to “communism vs fascism”, someone else changed it to “democracy vs fascism”, I changed it to no subtitle.

We have a shitload of leftover candy, plus my kids hauls. I plan on stress eating mostly candy and junk for through Tuesday. I just need to remain functional enough to half assed work on Monday and keep my kids alive.

Tuesday evening will be more stress eating and a hearty dose of THC. If Biden wins I probably get a solid night’s sleep knowing we have slowed or more hopefully reversed our country’s slide into fascism. I go to work refreshed and energized ready to close out the day. If Trump wins I am probably depressed and mostly non functional at work on Wednesday, but by Thursday I realize I just need to focus on the immediate family and shut out the noise, much like how I coped with the 2016 result.

It’s the middling result that probably is hardest on my short term mental health. I’m not sure how I disengage and get back to life if the result is in question for days or weeks like 2000. I’m not really going anywhere with this derail. Just getting it out there is helping me mentally prepare for the next few days and possible outcomes.

I also bet a guy a 6 month ban on another forum that Biden will carry 2 of 3, MN, MI, PA. I feel good about this bet, but having to eat that ban will pour salt in the wound for sure.


His hair has always been all kinds of crazy. The hat is a good idea.

Is this when SCOTUS comes in and tells us the GOP was betting horn high aces with three units in the Field this entire time?

This guy cries about his terrible threads getting trolled (when it’s really nothing more than people telling him his terrible opinions are terrible) and then he trolls this thread? Good thing for him I’m not a mod or he would be taking a timeout until Wednesday.


You should be a mod.


I’m really too immature honestly.

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He pivots to voter fraud and claims his polls were accurate, but for the rampant cheating.

If we rotated mods it wouldn’t be a big deal if a [censored]-like mod popped up every once in a while.

Eta: would → wouldn’t …but already quoted :angry:


Fun fact, I once co-modded the politics forum with [censored] for a short time.


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I would almost certainly accuse you of being Welsh

The one poaster you could name by typing just two letters. Well, until the forum update replaced [censored] :sob:

I would never mod like [censored], but I might get drunk and ban some fools that I’m biased against. Which is a look I would rather avoid.

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I would like to mod like [censored], at least for a week or so. I think it was fun, as a poster potentially subject to it. (Never got an asterisk)

Anyone who says they are voting Trump due to riots over a police killing were always voting Trump. Only issue is if a decent number of these people were pretending to be undecided to pollsters.


Yeah you would never convince people of this. Most independents and even a lot of democrats don’t trust polls after 2016. They will just think they were wrong again.

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The dick moves were Sabo trolling and, presumably, you doing his bidding when he asked. No way I buy that you randomly decided to change the title.

And neutral implies that democracy and voting are not widely agreed upon as good things around here.

Sabo made it Fascism vs Communism, I made it Democracy vs Fascism VOTE and micro made it just POTUS BOWL.

Because both sides or something.