POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

That’s the most normal Nate has ever looked wtf


I’ve gotta say, good for Nate on finding a look that works for him.


Time to pack it up boys, looks like we’ve won Hawaii.


Well if that’s the case, then I feel wayyyyyyyyyy better about the current polls. I mean Biden is ahead more than the MOE in many key states. But it seems like the mood around is slightly better than your average funeral, which doesn’t make sense.

Didn’t even realize that was him at first lol. Glad someone finally talked him into putting on a damn hat.

Someone upthread said it better. We’re in very good shape. But we’ve got all our chips in the middle on a 90/10 where if we lose we get shot.

Also we were really hoping to be dealt a set of Bernies but we only have a pair of Bidens.


I don’t have a very strong opinion on it, but this seems backwards to me. I don’t understand why a Trump voter whose family and friends are all voting Trump is apt to be shy about it, unless I’m misunderstanding what’s meant by ‘shy Trump voter’ - does it just mean ‘shy with pollsters’?

Well I mean okay maybe this guy was just some crank C-SPAN caller who tricked the NPR host into interviewing him idk what to tell you, just reporting what I heard.

Personally I wouldn’t dismiss the entire concept out of hand when we know that the Bradley effect is a thing.

Apparently so, yes.

Plenty of cranks like “lol trafalgar” claim shy trump voters are real. There is about as much evidence for them as there is for bigfoot.

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Numerous friends in PA are telling me they’re hearing from others that late breakers are going to Trump because of the rioting in Philly. Polls aren’t showing it, and Biden has polled over 50% so hopefully we’re ok, but if they dislike him and are making a selfish/racist vote it could be flying under the radar as a shy vote again.

I’m not overly concerned, but it’s a dynamic in play. I think Biden is about 57/43 to win PA. Estimating a 6% win in votes cast, which makes it tight in votes counted.

Great system we’ve got here.

Lovely trolling with the title changes @Sabo and way to back him up @microbet it’s a great time to take out any references to voting and democracy (micro), drop in mentions of communism (Sabo), etc.

It’s really great work you guys are doing.

This has been the narrative from the right all year long – rioting/protests in Minnesota, Kenosha, etc. are going to convince all the moderate suburban white voters to cast a vote for Trump, who will clean up the mess. Zero evidence of that in the polls.


Yeah I don’t think it amounts to much. It’s possible it’s netting out even by moving some in the other direction.

Susquehanna just dropped their last pole of FL, Trump +1. They were Trump +5 4 days ago so that’s a decent result for Biden.


To the people saying the polls were good in 2016, national polls were pretty good, but state polls missed pretty badly, about four points in PA, WI, MI, NC, and FL.


So this post makes it look like I childishly changed the title to something trollish. And then you changed the title so no one can see that it was neutral.

Dick move.

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Also by 4-5 in Nevada (in the opposite direction from the rest)

Yeah, in just those four states. And most of the studies/discussions I’ve seen on it chalk that up to failure to weight by education, which they’ve all now corrected for.



Edit, lol: