POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

Four years ago, I declined to get into any election bets at the poker table because I was feeling uneasy. Now, I would snap accept a chance to bet on Biden.

The issue in the primary was that one of the pollsters increased the font size on his monitor which caused the list of candidates, which are randomized each call, to lop off the bottom name. A pete supporter blew the whistle on it, and they decided to not release their final polls out of an abundance of caution.

They have a reputation for being a good Iowa pollster, but due to the cluster fuck nature of the caucus, it’s hard to say how good they really were. It’s either a sign that WAAF and they are the only ones correctly polling the Midwest red wave, or Iowa is lean R just like always and they got a bad sample or are a shitty pollster.

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Pretty pathetic that what was clearly an on topic joke leads to a threat of a ban. I don’t expect anyone to care about my opinion, but given no one else said it yet I will.


Everyone with good sense around here cares about your opinion.





Joe… It’s right next to it on the map, it rhymes with Transylvania. OH has literally no electoral value to you right now.


I have been off red meat for a few months but today I broke down. Guilt level: high, but damn this was a good brunch.


Yep it’s fucking bullshit literally every Trump ad is crying about Biden being a socialist commie far left dictator


Shades of 2016…PA slipping away and she’s in Arizona and Georgia

Yeah, OH seems like an odd choice for the last day. He is in PA today, though.


WTF are you doing, old man, now is the time to be campaigning in PA.


Counterpoint: tRUmp didn’t control the DOJ, wield the power of the presidency or have a 6-3 majority at SCOTUS in 2016


Saw another anti-Biden attack ad from America First Action PAC. Still nothing from the Trump campaign.

“Biden is lying. He WILL raise taxes on the middle class.”

(Taxes are scheduled to go up in 2021 on everyone but the upper class)

I get it now…no point in him blowing HIS money in Florida on ads when the rubes will just spend theirs on his behalf.

@BadFootballAnalogy campaigning in OH right now is being up by 5 with the ball, time running out last play and you’ve already covered the spread, and throwing into the end zone instead of taking a knee, or something.

I don’t think anyone cares/goes after the VP pick in these things. I have seen/heard lots of “Joe and the ho” stuff though.

alright screw it I won’t be watching Tua’s debut, Redzone it is. I can’t stomach these fking ads.

leading harris attacks on harris appear along the lines of “unqualified, only there because black and woman”. the. you tell them about harris’s housing crash penalties negotiations and it’s crickets.

Somebody get this lady a “WAAF” badge.


Haha just saw one that said something like “he loves the communists, and he sides with the socialist” and AOC and the squad were shown. The other side does think Kamala is a communist lol but we don’t really need to use their framing of reality for what they think the opponent is

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My hot take: it doesn’t matter where the candidates campaign.