Really does seem like AZ is going blue this year:

Cake poker

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We visited my parents yesterday and had to drive around their subdivision a bit prior to arriving because my daughter was taking a nap in the back seat.

Happened across this house (did my best to take a pic while driving) with “Trump 2020” covering the ENTIRE garage and a Trump flag above it.

As I was driving past I also noticed their neighbor had a Trump flag flying as well.

However, this is suburban IL so the joke is on them as their vote doesn’t matter here.

I was just talking to my parents who are down near one of the NJ beach towns. I first had to warn them to keep an eye out for Trump boaters as they (my parents) usually take their small boat out crabbing/fishing/leisure riding the bay on the weekend and I dont want a bunch of idiots to sink my parents.

My mom then told me that yesterday a banner plane flew over the beach “Sea Isle City Loves President Trump”. And there was a group on the beach with trump flags staked in the sand.

It’s such an insane cult. Would any Democratic voter go to a beach and stake Obama flags? Biden flags? Any political flags? You’re at the fucking beach. Enjoy the day without making yourself an obnoxious pawn to a bloviant asshole who thinks you’re an idiot. Jesus.


Think how jealous most GOP politicians are of Trump. They’ve been dutifully attending church and pretending to give a shit their entire adult lives and this guy just waltzes in with his affairs and divorces and mistress payoffs and abortions and says “I can’t believe anyone believes this bullshit” with apparently no consequence.


you’ve got these potatoes with their TRUMP 2020 garage banners and their beachhead flags and their dumb armadas and there are still fucking mouthbreather pundits who think “shy trump voters” are a thing

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like, look at this dipshit https://twitter.com/JJusseroKIRO7/status/1302064659575443456


Almost as ugly as the original.

It’s the same with the whole “silent majority” bullshit. They are not silent and they are not the majority but it makes them feel good to say it.


They are also not going to accept the results of the election if daddy loses.

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What are they going to do?

Most MAGAs are cowards and flaunt weapons and the threat of using them to appear less weak, like most bullies.

They’ll use them if attacked of course, but are most of these pathetic creeps and weirdos really up for getting involved in a far right wing revolt? It’s not as if Biden is gay, a woman or black or will stand up for those groups in any substantial way.

The Trump Navy looks pretty fearsome.


That’s a good question I don’t have an answer for. What do you think they’re going to do? Quietly taking the L doesn’t seem to be an option.

It also annoys me when the potential for right wing violence gets downplayed, especially considering how much of it there has been in recent decades. The Oklahoma City bombing is still pretty fresh in my memory. There was a centrist white guy in the Oval Office then too.

There’s a pretty wide range of possibilities between domestic tranquility and open civil war. People are going to die as a direct result of the 2020 election. Maybe lots of them.

Of course they won’t. As much as we talk about Trump winning means the end of America, they think the same thing, and they’re not even wrong. It’s just that by “America” we mean the United States of America and its status as a constitutional republic, and they mean the racial hierarchy with white people at the top. They know they’re becoming a minority, or at least losing the majority, and


Their picture of the legitimacy of governance is predicated on maintaining that racial hierarchy, while we perceive the legitimacy of governance based on adherence to the constitution and our laws. Either side winning is necessarily going to subvert what the other side considers the lynch pin of America.


We agree they won’t accept the result if their Fuhrer loses - Trump has laid the groundwork for this for ages by telling everyone that the Dems will fix the election.

I don’t know what would happen either but expect more attacks on minorities, leading to more protests, leading to more attacks on protesters.

hey guys! Apparently the 1960s were just a figment of our collective imaginations!


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Was he even even investigated once for anything? Maybe I’m forgetting.

Didn’t contest a charge of tax evasion, and resigned.

Obviously in a parallel universe where politicians caught red-handed resign.

I think I mentioned this before, but Dan Bongino tweets this every single day, going back years now.


Just because there are loud ones, doesn’t mean there aren’t also shy ones.

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