The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)
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This is going to be the longest 8 weeks ever.

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But how much did you lose?


I agree and at the risk of becoming the sort of person who quotes himself I said

However don’t you think it’s a long way from that to saying

given that the country is almost evenly split in the popular vote and anecdotally a plethora of Trump 2020 signs on lawns?
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Yes, a guy who upset an incumbent when he was in his late 20’s, served in the senate for almost 40 years, and became VP has definitely underperformed in life.


I believe you made that post after mine but 3 million more votes isn’t really evenly split, plus that will be much, much bigger this year if all the mail in ballots are actually counted.

Add on another 11 million undocumented immigrants to that number as well.

The vast majority of people in this country hate Trump and the only reason he has a chance of winning is our lol electoral college and cheating.


No he won’t because it sets a precedent for criminally charging future presidents. It’s part of why Ford pardoned Nixon.

If the Dems go after Trump, they know that Biden will be next when he’s out even if he didn’t do anything illegal.

So do we get to a point that no one would want to run? Great, suits me fine.

Or is there another argument for this?


Most people with any kind of ability don’t want to run for president. It’s a shitty job where you have to fight for your job after 4 years.

Politics are for untalented failures with nothing to contribute to society. Sorry to the few who don’t fill that position but most do.

Republicans are going to do that anyways… They tried everything they could to get Clinton and came up with nothing. They investigated her a ton of times and it came back that she did nothing illegal Fake charges won’t stick unless we go full dictatorship. They might charge Biden but if he didn’t do anything illegal it won’t go anywhere.

Do you seriously think if Biden DID break a bunch of laws Republicans wouldn’t try to throw him in jail?

Republican base wants blood just as bad as Democrats do, and if the Republicans had real crimes on Hillary should would be in jail.

If you offer Trump a one-time deal in which he gets a pardon, but only for anything that he admits to doing, how much would he confess?

Nothing. Narcissism is a hell of a drug.


No, it was from yesterday.

Ok, if that’s what you’re saying I’m not about to tell someone else about their country that I don’t live in.

All I want to add is the general point that after four years of this there’s absolutely 0 people voting for Trump this time out of ignorance of what he’s really about, and polls say it’s still a 55/45 split.

I still don’t see a reason not to investigate every single one of them till they die, after all its going to happen to the eDems anyways as @StimAbuser above says.

This Imo BS about norms is how we get here, that’s the 1st norm that the eDems should do, it’s the 1 tactic that Trump weilds that no-one else runs with, he should pay for this and the GOP should also pay as they aided in his crimes.

Geezs there over 40 mil Americans who are suffering atm because of the umpa lumpa.

Don’t fling the book at him, fling the fucking wall & send in The Statue of Liberty for good measure, including his whole family.


It used to be for people with a strong sense of public service, but they were pretty much driven out by the mass media obsession with their private lives, so the people attracted now are psychopaths and narcissists who are immune to the normal range of human emotions (shame, empathy).


The fear then becomes what a president would be willing to do to stay in office in order to avoid that. It’d probably encourage a president to become a dictator and given the lack of resistance from within the party it’d probably work.

Since when? Fucking Founding Fathers were power hungry freaks too. Most of them literally owned people ffs. Hard to be more power obsessed than that. It’s why they only wanted the vote for white male property owners. Don’t want those undesirable elements like poor people and women to have a say in the country they live in.

Such a huge misconception that politicians used to be amazing people who were sacrificing their time for the good of the American citizen. No if anything, they were worse than they are now.

There is no way Biden would pardon Trump. He may not go to jail but he will def be indicted with crimes when he leaves office assuming he loses.