The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I was going to post just this in response to your wish list. Imo Biden pardoning Trump is far more likely than Trump going to go jail for federal offences.

In the spirit of national unity…

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I love dunking on Trump, and his base doesn’t care about facts at all, but we should. This is from a year ago and when you see the full clip there’s nothing weird about it. Trump waits for Melania who is coming from the left and he seems to point her not to step into the puddle.


Yea that video is a nothing burger. The people around Trump aren’t just gonna allow him to wander off if he’s in true mental decline. I know he’s becoming Gollum over the past 4 years but it still takes like 10+ years for dementia to really kick in. If he falls over or collapses, that’s a different thing. But the dude plays more golf in a week than I have in my life.

Although I picture Trump contesting the election results, is there any scenario where he decides to resign after losing the election and is pre-emptively pardoned by President Pence?

How does this pardoning shit work? Surely you can’t pardon someone in advance of any prosecution, can you?

Or can you?

lol wtfUSA

I doubt Trump trusts Pence enough to even consider that.

Edit: I even doubt he trusts anyone to do that, and his narcissism will prevent him from stepping down anyway.

It would be pretty funny for him to pull a Robin Wright on Kevin Spacey in House of Cards.

Of course you can. That’s what Ford did for Nixon.

The only things standing in the way are that (1) accepting a pardon means you’re saying you’re guilty of whatever you’re being pardoned for, and I don’t think Trump’s essential narcissism would allow him to do that, and (2) I’m sure he’s going to be charged for state crimes in New York which aren’t covered by a federal pardon, and a pardon means you can no longer plead the Fifth Amendment in court.

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Pardon me (cough). The RoW doesn’t really have this concept of an elected leader being above the law (well we often do in practice, but not in theory).


Probably because all the other loser countries don’t have the same spotless record of electing an uninterrupted sequence of Great Men as leaders like USA#1.

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( twitter | raw text )

I think the only way there is even a small chance of Trump facing charges is if he loses and refuses to leave. If he has to be forcefully removed from the White House after a clear and undeniable defeat, then there would be a bipartisan case to be made that he needs to be charged to set a precedent.

The overwhelmingly likely outcome, should Biden win, is that Dems will want to heal the nation/work with McConnel to show their good faith/kumbaya bullshit.

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You really should never use the word bipartisan when discussing US politics at this point.


And Moscow Mitch will laugh and continue to obstruct anything and everything.


I just realized that the majority leader, even if we win everything, will still be Chuck Schumer. I somehow had blocked that out of my brain completely. Yikes.


Yeah this is likely true. I’ll settle for him getting sued and losing EVERYTHING. Like full on poor house. Businesses shut down, equities taken from all the hotels he has his name on, finances exposed, and he spends the rest of his life with court battles miserable until his fat heart explodes.

Of course he will never be poor, he will be able to grift his supporters, but hopefully that just ends up getting sued away too.
