The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

The difference between Cheney, Nixon etc is that the majority of the country HATES Trump and BADLY wants him in prison. Nobody really gave a shit about those two on the level that they hate Trump.

The AG in NY would make a huge name for themselves and possibly launch them into presidential contendership if they go after Trump hard.

There is a massive public demand to punish Trump for his crimes.

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oh shit vaccines plus


Yeah I remember Ford dropped like 30 fucking points in the polls directly after pardoning Nixon. Biggest drop ever.

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Dislike of Nixon was like 10% of how much people hate Trump.

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Love of Nixon was also 10% of how much people love Trump.

The vast majority of these people aren’t going to risk their comfortable lives for Trump and most of them are old as hell. The Ya’ll Queda types who drive their maga trucks through rallies and shit isn’t really that huge. And I’d love to see the federal government crush them. Like the MAGA Trump parade shit is a small group of crazies who had to drive from a bunch of different states. It’s not like he has an army on standby.

And if they start bombing shit the federal government and fucking crush all the dipshit white nationalism militias.

It’s not like like 60 million people who vote Trump are gonna take to the streets with violence if he’s jailed. Probably only a couple thousand of the craziest. And they’re dumb as shit.

Plus this will make the country turn on them even harder.

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This is going to be the longest 8 weeks ever.

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But how much did you lose?


I agree and at the risk of becoming the sort of person who quotes himself I said

However don’t you think it’s a long way from that to saying

given that the country is almost evenly split in the popular vote and anecdotally a plethora of Trump 2020 signs on lawns?
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Yes, a guy who upset an incumbent when he was in his late 20’s, served in the senate for almost 40 years, and became VP has definitely underperformed in life.


I believe you made that post after mine but 3 million more votes isn’t really evenly split, plus that will be much, much bigger this year if all the mail in ballots are actually counted.

Add on another 11 million undocumented immigrants to that number as well.

The vast majority of people in this country hate Trump and the only reason he has a chance of winning is our lol electoral college and cheating.


No he won’t because it sets a precedent for criminally charging future presidents. It’s part of why Ford pardoned Nixon.

If the Dems go after Trump, they know that Biden will be next when he’s out even if he didn’t do anything illegal.

So do we get to a point that no one would want to run? Great, suits me fine.

Or is there another argument for this?


Most people with any kind of ability don’t want to run for president. It’s a shitty job where you have to fight for your job after 4 years.

Politics are for untalented failures with nothing to contribute to society. Sorry to the few who don’t fill that position but most do.