The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

What would be Biden’s motivation not to pardon Trump? I mean politically. He’s not running for re-election. Kamala can say she thought it was a controversial decision, but it wasn’t up to her, etc etc.

I think it’s more likely screws are turned such that a pardon isn’t necessary. But if not, I’m not sure a Biden pardon for Trump is totally out of the realm of political possibility. The morality of such a pardon is another question.

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The trump ads are getting more and more absurd by the day.

Today it was “liberal anarchists murdered a police office and Biden remained silent. Leftist mobs burned down cities and Biden cheered on ‘peaceful protesters’. Murders are skyrocketing, crime is at an all time high, and Biden isnt capable of leading America through it.”

All the while the propaganda fear b-roll plays with intercuts of Biden staring cluelessly. It’s gross, and it’s going to be effective on the idiot marks it is targeting.

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Durham will probably drop a final report at some point before the election, and you have to figure that they have something planned right before at least one of the debates.

I wish I agreed. It just seems like such a Biden thing to do to “heal our wounds” and “unite the country.”

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I actually think that Trump calling dead soldiers losers is materially harmful in getting a pardon from a President Biden. He took that about as personally as he’s taken anything. I guess we also haven’t seen much in the wake of Trump mocking Joe for visiting Beau’s grave in an ad, either, but, like Trump is so far beneath our norms that he’s making a strong case for himself not to get that olive branch.

I just don’t see how Kamala would think she coiuld win the Democratic primary in 2024 if her administration pardons Trump. This isn’t 1974, this isn’t the Reagan era; we are in a time of extreme partisanship where the Democratic base is clamoring to lock up Trump. We are in a completely unprecedented moment in US history and no one should expect it will play out like the Nixon saga.


There are zero paths to Trump winning the general with Democrats taking the senate that I see.

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Really, really stupid cheating. Which, these days, is the most common kind of cheating.

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Can we reach a middle ground and just put Trump in house arrest. I’d be fine with that.

Not if he still gets internet access.


Thats fair

But honestly, we as a country are all but certain to redo the mistakes of Trump unless he’s publicly and prominently humiliated. House arrest without tweets isn’t enough. I’m not optimistic that that happens, but at a bare minimum to try to escape lingering Trumpism, that’s what we need. Huge swaths of people have attached their entire worldviews to him as the savior of the American racial hierarchy. He needs to face severe consequences if anyone is going to change their minds on him as the savior of our racial hierarchy in general. Without that, the next savior can come along and repeat it, having seen how well Trump repeatedly dodged consequences for even the most egregious of offenses.


100% agree.

Yea i was kinda thinking he needs to be embarassed as well as the whole family really, especially Ivanka and Jr so that theres no chance of them having at future political success. I’d prefer jail for all but I’ll take political destruction.

Also, in that clip above is he supposed to be heading to the helicopter there?

For what? Lying to the public? Conspiring to start a war? What’s the charge?

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This is outstanding.


The people with money survived it so weren’t losers.


That’s a good point. And I agree Trump is making a good case not to get an olive branch, but you’re preaching to the choir on that one. I just think Biden wants to unify the country so badly that he’ll want to wipe the slate clean.

The problem with that is that we’ll just end up right back here in 4, 8, 50 years. There needs to be a precedent that our laws matter.

I suppose that given I don’t expect Trump to leave willingly if he loses, that doesn’t bode well for his pardons from Biden.

I had a post a while back about how the best way to make him suffer was to make him stay at his own resort in a bedbug ridden room, and golf every day with an official scorer making sure he doesn’t cheat and reporting his scores to the world.

I completely agree. Pardoning Nixon was a big mistake for this reason. But I don’t trust the eDems to agree.

Seriously what is he doing. I agree, he has limited control over his body.