The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)


They running out of time though. We less than 60 days away now.

I agree with this, but if I’m a journalist I’m not holding anything back.

I would accept that if it came with a signed, sworn, videotaped confession, full disclosure of all hidden evidence of his crimes including his fucking tax returns, cancellation of any and all NDAs, and giving up his fellow conspirators from caddies that helped him cheat at golf to Putin.

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Wtf happened in this thread tonight? Prison? State charges? We’re a coin flip to win the election and then another coin flip he leaves office if he loses and you all are arguing over whether or not he’ll see the inside of a jail cell?

Give me whatever you are smoking.


This is virtually a lock.


Lol 10%.

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100% chance they stole some of it.


We already have the receipts for “some”.

60% of the time, they steal all the time


There will probably be some passing reference to his “alleged” crimes in a side section of his Presidential Library.


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It wouldn’t surprise me if they steal as much money as they can and skip out of the country. There’s tons of places you can live with $1 billion real cash.

Putin has a suite all set up for post-Presidency Trump in Moscow.

Putin wouldn’t take him. Not for a thousand, not for 10 thousand.

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If you thought the President of Serbia was surprised yesterday, wait til you see the look on his face when he realizes he granted Trump’s request to live there in exile.

Every Trump ad I see claims Biden wants to defund law enforcement. It’s a literal, blatant lie. But who cares.

No way. Ford’s pardon of Nixon was massively unpopular and he was in the same party. There is zero chance a president Biden pardons Trump.

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This motherfucker is begging to be made an example of.


Yup, that’s one of the ones I’ve seen. There’s another that has to do with cops. Then the other that just straight up manipulates his words is one where it shows him saying something like, “when I’m President, you can bet your taxes will go up.”

I haven’t tried to look up video of the event where he was speaking, but I’ll guarantee that before that part came something to the effect of, “The richest x%, you can bet…”

There’s absolutely zero chance he was saying he’ll raise taxes on the middle class.

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