The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I meant before the election.

This general discussion is why you don’t negotiate with terrorists. Failing to administer justice because the criminals have crazy supporters with guns is insane.

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Probably hundreds of counts. He will plea down to community service where he has to clean up trash in front of Trump Tower.

Hey! He can’t do that!

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What? He is a lock to be investigating and even indicting every dem on earth October to Jan.

Community Service baby! The new photobomb will be a selfie with Trump with a trash picker in the background.

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Why? When Bidens AG can just drop the charges.

Because these people don’t care about facts. They care about appearances. The charge is what matters to them. Conviction is secondary, at best.

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I think trump’s shenanigans are more explainable to the general public. Cheney’s were a little more complex and because they were mostly tied into the military hard to even get most people to see them as bad.

I don’t think Trump will go to prison. However I want as many tax payer dollars in as many jurisdictions as possible to be used to pursue him.

Would the Dems winning the House and Senate get Trump removed if he wins the GE? Or are there still too many R Republican senators?

IMO, only way Trump goes to prison is if he stole money from other wealthy people like Bernie Madoff did.

Impeachment for either side is dead if Trump wins the presidency again. The whole point of the GOP strategy in impeachment was to kill impeachment. The Trump defense literally argued in court that they were trying to kill impeachment as a remedy for Congress in order to place the president above the law (everything starting after Congress is what it meant not what they said).

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Takes 2/3rds in senate. No way dems win that many seats. He is never being impeached.

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You need amendments to the constitution for some of these and at least the overturn of Citizens United for some others. The first three are fine.

This isn’t 1974, man.

I know. It’s a dream remember.

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Yeah I still think Trump is like a 60/40 favorite to stay in office, and I think I’m being optimistic keeping it that low. We need to run good.

LOL nunnehi.

Yes, in order to save us from violence we must re-elect a racist, fascistic man and turn him into a dictator. Surely no violence will come of that!

This seems overly pessimistic.

It does worry me that Biden could pardon trump “to calm the nation”.


The USPS was an opening foray. They’re going to throw the kitchen sink at this election, then if they lose they still have equity.