The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

If Trump leaves office it won’t be shocking if NY State has some charges for him. I would be somewhat surprised if there were federal charges, though he certainly could have some more tax trouble.

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Michael Cohen and Roger Stone got got, and it looks like Steve Bannon is on deck.

Right. Seems like there is no way in this political climate they get him for some kind of financial crime. It has to be high crime of some kind and even then I don’t see it happening.

I think it is unlikely he actually serves time in prison. And maybe that’s best. But he is highly likely to be charged with criminal offenses. Biden may call off the Feds but NY is almost a lock to criminally indict him.

Lets get to that point, though. This is a total waste of time if he wins. Or “wins.”

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Let’s not tempt fate with this prison talk



Oh sorry I misunderstood you. I agree he likely faces some charges, probably state. Close to zero he ever actually faces a trial and even less likely he see a jail.

We all know he did it, but I fully expect Democratic leadership to discourage all localities from charging him, in the interest of bringing us all together.

It’s massively stupid, but it’s what I expect.

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I really don’t know about this. Biden has seemed authentically enraged by Trump’s bullshit lately.

Given how broadly despised Trump is, I don’t see why a Democratic admin wouldn’t go after him.

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Trump is never going to prison. If we are lucky we don’t have a designated thread for him here by 2025.


That’s not a reason to avoid trying to put him in jail once he is out of the White House.

I’d be surprised if Trump was ever prosecuted. But if Barr decides to get frisky and starts making false charges against anyone who could be perceived as a Trump opponent, then all bets are off.

Barr is 100% to do this. It is a matter of whether Joe Biden wants to do anything about it.

Again, assuming we get this fat fuck out of office. I feel dirty even speculating right now.

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Dick Cheney still walks around a free man and Trump isn’t gonna end up doing worse than him.

Trump won’t go to prison but it would hilarious to see him cut a deal that throws his entire administration under the bus in exchange for immunity. Because he’d snap do if given the opportunity.


Then the obviously correct play is to re-elect Trump to avoid all of this.

Barr isn’t going to go on an indictment spree as a lame duck, come on.

More likely than not he’s been an fbi informant since the 80s. Everyone in real estate development in his era was basically. That or they were the target.


In my dreams dems win both the house and senate. Biden takes office and day one says all crimes of the trump admin will be prosecuted. Additionally the house and senate draft sweeping anti corruption laws and strengthen the separation of powers.

This would include;

-requirements for all elected and cabinet members to release tax returns,

-anti nepotism rules,

-making it illegal for the president to own any business (even in trust),

-making it illegal to run for president after 70,

-term limits for SCOTUS,

-making impeachment possible with only the house or senate at an 75%? level,

-drafting minimum experience levels for all cabinet positions,

-making it illegal for donors to serve in cabinet,

-changing to shifting election dates and making it illegal to campaign longer than 9 months,

-banning all corporate donations,

-$10,000 donation caps,

-banning leadership and connected PACs,

-massive restrictions on executive orders,

-massive restrictions on pardons,

-creation of a real 4th branch of government whose sole purpose is oversight. No other role.

I am sure there are others.