The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

funny yet we all know the fuck you defense is coming and will remain undefeated. i’d be more shocked if he didn’t loot the white house if/when he leaves.


The FU defense only works when you have the mega-cheat code of being President. I firmly believe that if and when we get him out of office he is in massive legal trouble. He almost certainly won’t get to lose, appeal appeal appeal, lose, send back down, lose again, appeal appeal appeal again, etc.

Trump is kind of like Pete Campbell’s father in law in Mad Men. He could have easily gotten away with grifting a few billion, but he pressed the button.


Thinking Trump ends up in prison is straight up delusion. Putting Trump in jail would set of violence on a ridiculous scale. Hell, him just losing the election is likely to set off domestic violence this country hasn’t seen since the Civil War.


Trump’s mega cheat code isnt that he’s president. It’s that he has a cult of 42% of America that thinks he shits gold and every GOP politician wants access to that voters base and won’t turn on him as long as kissing his ass is the key to unlocking the MAGA support.


I agree. My guess is he won’t even face charges. If he does, he’ll cut a sweetheart deal.

Prepare yourself for the Pelosi/McConnell We Must Put the Past Behind Us Bill of 2021.

If we’re lucky.


That’s his cheat code in politics. His cheat code in the courts is that every “FU, no” defense gets a special level of attention based on his position as President. All these bullshit appeals won’t even get hearings if he’s out of office.

Jury nullification is obviously possible if not likely in a criminal trial. But he’s going to get obliterated in civil court if and when he leaves office.

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It is going to look like one of @Inso0 s apartments when one of his boss’ tenants rightfully strip the place before leaving.

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I am a clown and I am delusional. I am trying to live my life like a MAGA to see if it lessens my anxiety!


Probably the best we can hope for is that 2020 loser Trump gets slapped back every time he tries any particularly egregious new grift and that he has to his watch his empire of stupid slowly crumble as he himself decays into an orange dung heap parading around on a gold-plated golf cart.


If Trump decisively loses the election he’ll probably offer to concede in return for blanket immunity.


I don’t understand what crime people think trump is getting charged with after he is out of office?

All kinds of financial shenannigans.

“I couldn’t tell what was port and what was starboard, and a bunch of other nautical terms happened. One thing led to another and I was in the water…”

Gold, Jerry!

Throw a dart at the “white collar crime” sections of the US Criminal Code.

Also obstruction of justice, soliciting a bribe, soliciting foreign campaign aid, stealing from the inauguration fund, god knows what else if there is an actual investigation not overseen by Bill Barr or Bob Mueller.

( twitter | raw text )

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100% agree. It should absolutely be a campaign commercial.

Intro with respected person asking "Are you a Trump Republican or a McCain Republican?

Trump Republican>
Multiple clips of the usual suspects (and their family members) being denigrated and then bending the knee anyways.

McCain Republican>
Clip of Trump “pow captured comment” > photos of McCain medals and in uni

Another juxtaposition of a Trump insult and (McCain quote?)


He will blanket pardon himself, his family and his circle of sycophants if he ends up losing and actually steps down.

He has obviously broken them all. My point is none are going to been viewed as serious enough to charge an ex president. Remember literally one guy went to jail after the 2008 crash.

Rich people don’t go to jail for white collar crime. Add to that an ex president.

Only way I can see he faces any charges is for something political, like espionage.

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After Watergate and Iran-Contra you think some financial shenanigans is going to get a US President in prison?

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