sure, but the theory is that there are tons of these because it’s somehow impossible to function in society if you overtly support trump, which is just obviously empirically false. There’s zero evidence that there is an army of shy trump voters, certainly no evidence that there are more of them than there are shy Biden voters (which, really, the only thing that would make this interesting is that delta between shy Rs and shy Ds)

Most Trump supporters enjoy railing against Hillary/Biden/Obama etc than having to play defense because youre in charge.

Fox News enjoyed their lives more when Obama was in charge.
For the hard-core Trump supporters, why does reality matter more post election than it does today? These people do not live in our world.

I agree there aren’t “tons” of them, but Trump got through on some razor thin margins. So even small numbers in certain places are significant.

The idea that there are more shy Rs than shy Ds comes (in certain places) from the fact that the polling in some states was quite different than the ultimate results. For example, IIRC, all polling had Hillary comfortably ahead in Wisconsin prior to election day, yet Trump pulled it out. Was that due to shy Rs? Maybe, maybe not, but it’s a plausible theory.

Right. Corruption here isn’t a perversion of laws. It’s perversion of the American racial hierarchy. Like, even when Democrats could legitimately win, they’re white men from the Confederacy. Obama completely upended that, and as such, he was a potent reminder of the coming loss of majority for white people.


Some fire from our future VP


This is turning out to be a smart pick. Biden and Kamala are punching at him in ways that further endear them to the electorate. And how refreshing to hear such intelligent, measured responses.

I do enjoy the 4 months every 4 years where Dems pretend to care about voter suppression. No one gave a shit about the 3 hour lines in Ann Arbor during the primary but it’s on the menu now. A classic American situation!


If a faction can’t win an election, the correct game theoretical strategy for them may be to start an insurgency. It’d be silly of them to seek electoral victory if a Trump loss means they are closed off from winning elections.


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I’m sure you’re somehow right and my post here is stupid, but Nevada went 55/43 for Obama in 2008.

Texas otoh went 55/44 for McCain in 2008.

In 2010. 2010 was a reaction to Obama. The state is filled with term limit Independents who used to break Dem, then broke R, now are overwhelmingly Dem (while the true Independents still vote for Independents). I don’t know anything about pre-2010 Nevada politics.

Nevada is a state that could elect a Dem Senator in 2018 and also elect a dead GOP brothel owner to the State Assembly. That’s Nevada politics in a nutshell.

You don’t say…

My Biden sign is gone this morning. It was pretty windy here last night so I’m a little unsure whether it blew away or was stolen. I’m probably at ~70% stolen 30% blew away.

Just realized that lawn signs during election season is another only-in-Murica thing. Why would anyone put a sign up for a politician in his yard? (unless being paid to do so or personally knowing them, ldo)


New Rasmussen (strong R bias) poll today showing Biden up 8 in Wisconsin


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  1. it gives money to the campaign.
  2. it pisses off your neighbors on the other side.

Today I learned Florida matches the signatures for absentee ballots before Election Day, so they will probably be the first key state to be decided.

If Biden wins there, it’s over. If Biden loses, look out. Trump will declare victory on election night then incite violence when he starts losing as mail in votes are counted in Wisconsin/Pennsylvania/etc.

Also Trump is going to literally contest every single absentee ballot in swing states to drag it out as long as possible.

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I love this guy’s mom



People tend to follow the herd, if they perceive that their neighbors are voting for candidate X, they become more likely to vote for candidate X.