I’m a Texan and grew up there when it was a much crazier and more conservative place than it is now. I don’t live there anymore (haven’t full time since I was 18), but I absolutely do not think it’s off the mark. I’ve already seen the veil pierced during COVID-19. They know he’s a liar, and they know he’s thinks his supporters are stupid. They don’t necessarily like Biden, but almost all the people I know who lean right don’t hate him (not necessarily enough to vote for him).

That doesn’t mean Trump doesn’t pull at or near 50 percent of the vote, but if he were the typical person you claim Texans want, he’d be at 60. He’s giving them what they want on a policy level, but somehow manages to be in a worse package than Ted Cruz. Please remember that Trump didn’t win Texas in the 2016 primary, he got smoked there…by Ted Cruz. Beto got really damn close there, and I know people who thought Beto was a ‘socialist’ (lol).

I’m telling you, if you’re looking for an upset, look there. Don’t expect it, but do not be surprised if happens. Lol’ing at this is preposterous.

You’re a smart guy, but there are at least a couple of levels of stupid in this post. ‘True’ Texans hate Hillary Clinton more than any other person on the planet. In fact, they hate all Clintons. Here are the numbers that matter for you. Biden is the perfect Democrat to carry Texas if it were to happen. Bernie would have gotten smoked there by Trump and I know you all know that.

2016 GOP Presidential Primary:

Ted Cruz-1,239,370 43.8%
Donald Trump-757,618 26.7%

Do not make the mistake of overestimating Trump’s popularity in Texas. I know he is, which is fine, but seriously. People I know who were fanatical right wingers in high school left the GOP when Trump was nominated. More have followed. The only ones staying are the true believers who took Hillary’s basket of deplorables comment as a badge of honor. These same types were very very upset when Pelosi ripped up the SOTU speech.



Texas is a pipe dream for at least another 10 years.

Hope I’m wrong. But I’m not.

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I don’t think it’s a non-zero chance. I’ve pushed all in with less (fewer?) odds. Hope costs me nothing, Melkerson. Don’t take it from me :sob:


You should track this comparing the political shift of Nevada from 2010 to today. Texas is following a very similar track.

In 2010, Nevada was a basically right wing state filled with nutsos (massive Tea Party presence because of the large amount of independents). By 2014, a small shift had begun toward purple (Dems could win but it wasn’t at all stable). By 2016, it was clearly turning purple. It’s very blue as of 2018. Texas is almost purple with a chance of turning purple this election. It will be purple by 2022 (though a Biden win might slow that). It will probably be solid purple in 2024 if Biden’s win slows things down or starting to turn blue if it doesn’t by 2024 or 2026. By 2028, I predict it will be blue in at least 2 statewide offices.

That’s still a long way away for full blue, but it for sure should be considered a terminal swing state within the next 2 years until it goes where it’s headed. It wasn’t supposed to turn purple yet, but Trump’s doing an excellent job of speeding it up. Right now, any statewide office turning blue is purely Trump effect fluke (think Claire McCrapskill). It shouldn’t be happening yet but 2018 was way closer than it should have been based on Texas electoral politics. I would have called Cornyn unbeatable even in 2018 after Cruz won, but times have changed and he is legit awful and talking too much during the pandemic.

As a latino immigrant to the US, I can confirm that, from my experience, this is spot on.


Total fabrication. The “rightwing state” of Nevada re-elected Harry Reid to the Senate in 2010, which was a terrible year for Democrats nationally. They also elected Obama in back to back landslides (+13 and +7). Since ‘08, they’ve been consistently a light blue state with no recent change. Dem House candidates won Nevada 51/46 in 2018, less than their national edge.


@nunnehi has a reputation to maintain here. He’s gotta throw out some nonsense to keep up appearances.


Man, I’m just gonna have to tell you you’re wrong about that Reid thing. It was a huge sweat for him to beat Tea Party Sharron ‘Batsh*** Crazy’ Angle who was the favorite going into the election until she said increasingly crazy stuff that ultimately disqualified her (still got 44% of the vote). Reid was a very conservative Democrat who lived by his bona fides in the state. He was the Amodei outlier type. Nevada was not a swing state then at all, it was all over the map because nothing in Nevada ever made sense then.

The Tea Party thing was an absolute mess in 2010 (that brought all of the weirdos out of their holes), so I have no idea why you’re bringing that up since it was post Obama. 2012 was a retort to the Tea Party in regard to Obama. If you want to quibble with the idea of right wing, let’s talk about how independents have a huge presence in the state and how they consistently broke the state right back then. That is not at all the case today and was certainly looking like it had really changed by 2016.

I don’t have to go back far to remember this:

Governor: 2010 [R], 2014 [R]
Senator 1: 2010 (Reid heavy sweat), 2016 (heavy sweat)
Senator 2: 2012 [R], 2018 (D flipped)
House D1: Dem consistent
House D2: Rep consistent
House D3: 2010 [R, Tea Party wave], 2012 [R], 2014 [R], 2016 (D flip)
House D4: (established 2012): 2012 (D), 2014 [R], 2016 and 2018 (D)

Nevada State Senate went from strong Democratic majority to 1 seat only advantage in 2010 in the Tea Party wave. The State Assembly remained strongly Democratic the whole time.

In 2014, Republicans had a Governor in a landslide (70%), Republican Lt. Governor, Republican AG, and Republican SOS

In 2018, Governor, Lt. Governor, AG, and SOS are all Dems.

It went all over the map, to purple, to blue in the space of about 8 years. Do you live in the state? Did you live in it during any of the years mentioned? If you can find total fabrication in what I posted, please proceed. There’s no total fabrication at all. Most statewide elections back then went red, but not anymore. GOP is almost drawing dead in Nevada outside of Amodei. The only seat that has any potential threat in 2020 is most likely District 3 and I don’t think it’s a threat.

Anything to pretend the answer is 18+. Very common logic.

And the previous 23 years he served as senator was a series of lucky close calls? Dubya won by about 2.5% in 2004 and 3.5% in 2000. Clinton carried it twice.

By barely 1%. It was a swing state for a while.

You’re not as good at “Please proceed, governor,” as Obama.


Seems like… not the kind of endorsement you’d want…

Puts trump in a pickle.

Pro: she supports trump

Con: she’s a woman


Trump always speaks well of people who speak well of him so…

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Pete AND Michele Lujan Grisham? It’s like my birthday! Go Joe!


I’ll take a single 9/11 over the 9/11 every few days due to COVID.

Laura Loomer trending on Twitter because of stuff like this.


On the other hand, you can’t spell “BIn laDEN” without “BIDEN”!


Trump had it within a point in PA after the convention, but we have a new Quinnipiac poll of a little over 1,100 likely voters in PA.

Joe Biden 52
Donald Trump 44