


Florida Cubans have a sad because Castro took their privilege.

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Doesn’t help that the eDem’s Hispanic outreach has been garbage.

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Trumps high support from Hispanics confuses me. Even nationally its somewhat close. Like yeah Bidens outreach sucks, but how the fuck do you support Trump? Like him and his supporters hate you. Like yeah I get the older ones tend to be super socially conservative, but how do you support someone who hates you so much? And does horrible things to your people?

Or do they not see other hispanics as their people anymore?

I suffered so much to get here, fuck you for getting here so easily.

I don’t know but I feel it has to be something like that

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Maybe more like some immigrants who voted for Brexit to reduce the amount of immigration because now they’re “in” they don’t want others to do <<something or other that was ok for them to do, who knows?>>.

One woman I worked with said her husband voted Brexit for something that sounded like that (she didn’t agree with him).

It’s just the classic pulling up of the drawbridge once you’re in.

Many people are deplorable the world over.


United Shades of America had a recent episode on Venezuela and it was all people saying Trump is the only guy who cares what happens there so they all support him.

Lol NYT, sweet framing bro

Guess who?

There are a few threads. One is the antisocialist fervor among people from Cuba and, to a lesser extent, places like Venezuela, where communist or leftist governments have risen. Another is the feeling that they entered the country properly, leading to resentment towards people who don’t follow the rules. And there is a racist element, with some people prizing their Spanish roots and looking down on people who have mixed with Native and African elements.

There’s no collective identity. They can’t even agree on Latino vs Hispanic (vs Latinx).

Some of it is just that they believe in what the Republican Party is or can be and see Trump as an annoyance to be tolerated.

I think some Republicans imagine a world where if they can just get rid of all the undocumented, then they can properly appeal to the Latino vote. What if, thirty years from now, Hispanic and African-American voters tend to be on opposite sides of elections? Not knowing how that happened, which side do you think you’d want to be on?

Our power went out this morning. 15 seconds the first time, an hour or so the second time. Very rare for my neighborhood and it was apparently a wide spread outage.

Now I’m having nightmares thinking about an attack on our power grid the week leading up to or on election day.

Data for Progress is a B- on 538 fwiw

I may die of a gloating overdose if Trump loses Florida and Texas combined


Texas really does open up a whole new world. Long term if Democrats can consistently carry California, New York, and Texas, tough to see how republicans keep winning presidential races.


I’m going to say this for like the 8th time. Your typical Texan can’t stand Trump. They might vote for him, but he’s everything a ‘true’ Texan hates. The unofficial motto in Texas was ‘everything’s bigger here’. There’s a line where ‘bigger’ edges into tasteless, and Trump obliterates that line. If you’re looking for the big state upset, that’s the one to go to because I know a whole lot of people are sick of him there. Texans are also well known for not liking people they perceive as thinking they are stupid. Now, Ted Cruz, they hate that guy too, but those who support him like everything he stands for. They just wish it was in a different package.

There’s definitely a very plausible universe where both Trump and Cornyn lose there. Trump thinks Texans are idiots, while Texans think Cornyn is an idiot. The question is whether that’s enough for a generic D to win there (oftentimes the only type of D that can win there statewide). Biden and Hegar are a perfect storm of that which might produce the first D statewide wins in a long long time (last time was when I lived there).



They hate him so much that they cast 800,000 more votes for him than his opponent in 2016.

C’mon, man!


As a Texan , i think ur take might be a bit off the mark.



He was a very good poster in STTF which I believe is where the first ICM software was written. I wrote an ICM calculator before there were any commercial products around as far as I knew. Eastbay wrote a very early good calculator. Slim Pickens wrote something early. But, I forget the name of the guy who really pioneered it and had stopped posting before I started posting in early 2005.

I thought Biden had a shot in Texas, then nunnehi posted that Biden and Hegar both have a great chance. I’m now writing it off until 2028.

Thanks, nunnehi.