Cake Poker?

Yeah, I know a couple anecdotes like this. Not in swing states, but folks who voted Trump in '16 just to give it a shot, see if he could shake things up, etc., and now realize he’s an idiot and a moron. But…“voting for Biden isn’t an option…Dems so radical…both sides are the same” blah blah blah. They claim they are just not voting.

I’ve posted it before but I know one third party voter from '16 who was a long time GOP voter who’s an indoctrinated hydroxychloroquine loving Trump voter now, and one longtime GOP voter who didn’t vote for POTUS in '16 because he hated both and thought Gary Johnson was a moron, and he’s a hard and fast Biden supporter this time.

The Trump supporter lives in Pennsylvania, the Biden supporter lives in Delaware. Facepalm.

Also the Delaware one has always hated Biden and ranted about him for years and is still 100% voting for him, so that’s good at least.

Oh don’t worry, they’ll be slamming that lever down for Daddy Trump with the force of a thousand suns

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False. AA wins every time in meaningless pots. Like you wake up with them in the BB and everyone folds to you.


There is a guy at my job that is one of the most perplexing cases I’ve dealt with, and I’m totally used to incoherent, idiotic political views and behaviors.

This guy grew up in poverty, paid his way through undergrad and grad school, and is objectively very intelligent. He shows empathy galore, daily, to all people including women and minorities. He donates to charity, hes a good husband and father and good, caring colleague.

This person has lost his mind over COVID. He legitimately acts like mask requirements are the end of civilization, to the point of ranting about them every single day. He takes COVID seriously, and is even home schooling this year because of it. He’s hyper-rational in all other areas and is not a science denier. Yet he votes GOP. This is the clearest example I’ve seen yet that voting patterns can be cultural. Oh yeah, big Facebook guy.


The key to playing AA is to bluff by shoving pre-flop and flipping over your cards. Most donks who play “by the book” will insta-fold in that situation…

Lol but then I have to face the possibility that they don’t fold, they gesture toward their checks, and suddenly I’ve got an open AA and yet am begging them to fold.

Stop overplaying your pocket pairs and whining when you lose them!!11!!1one!!!


Best you can hope for when you get it all in with AA is a rainbow flop and the other guy having AA.

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I would be extremely skeptical of thinking Biden is +8or 10 or whatever in Wisconsin but only +3 in Minnesota. I have much more confidence in Minnesota than WI.

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Tbf the only time I felt comfortable post flop with AA was when I flopped a set. Finally, the one time I won’t face set over set!

Because they had quads

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Reminds me of this hand…

“They really should dispense with the drama and get to the business of chopping this pot.”


“A million dollar buy-in, wiped out with aces versus aces.”


I don’t understand the states where Trump is significantly outperforming GOP Senate candidates. Who the fuck votes for a Democratic Senate candidate and also Donald Trump!?!

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Montana does pretty regularly as one odd example.

Here’s a wild but possible map that results in a Biden win. The great temptation in chasing Florida is all of the scenarios it opens up as possible wins.

Toss-up states in this map is representative of where I think the Dems should be targeting the most for Presidential and down ballot purposes.


How safe is VA? Hillary received less than 50% of the vote despite having Tim Kaine as VP.

Virginia has turned more blue since 2016. Every poll I’ve seen has Biden up double digits and over 50%.