I knew we should have nominated a Kasich/Romney ticket!

I posted this on Nextdoor

I don’t how good your memories are, but Joe Biden was always one of the more conservative Democrats in Congress. The Democrats picked him as Obama’s running mate because they were trying to balance Obama’s perceived liberalness as well as his Blackness. Biden was an author of the 1995 Crime Bill, he lobbied for the Iraq War, he opposes M4A.

The Democrats have not only nominated one of the most conservative Democrats this time, they are campaigning not for BLM/antifa votes, but for Republican votes. They did not accidentally let John Kasich, Susan Molinari, Meg Whitman, and Colin Powell speak at the Democratic National Convention. They don’t want progressives and activists to protest them or anything, but they absolutely take their left for granted expecting they have nowhere else to go while they pursue Republicans from The Lincoln Project.

Joe Biden has said that he wants to increase funding for the police and pointed out where Trump has been the defunder and of course it’s believable. That’s what he did for decades in congress. But, it doesn’t really matter. Most Republicans think he or anyone who runs as a Democrat is a Anarchist and a Socialist who just wants more and more crime because they just seem to love crime. I’m not sure the Democrats are very good at strategy.

and in the discussion that followed, no amount of evidence could move anyone off of Joe Biden is a stooge for Bernie, AOC and BLM. Maybe he used to be different, but now he’s a cop hating radical socialist.


Arguing politics on Nextdoor is like the masochist’s version of arguing politics on Facebook.


No, it’s great.

The only people who are going to be influenced by internet politics are low infos. You have to go find them. Trolling conservatives may also help, like that earlier thread.

I forget where I saw it, but I’m reminded of “I’m excited to vote for the Joe Biden that Donald Trump talks about. I’m not excited to vote for the Joe Biden that Joe Biden talks about.”



This can’t be the case. Just today we were assured by expert media observer and prognosticator @nunnehi that the media had learned its lesson about Barr once and for all.

Too much reality disagrees with some people’s constituitons.

98 polls say Trump is between 40 and 42%, Emerson says 47%, Rasmussen says 47% (over and over and over their numbers are almost exact duplicates of Rasmussen). What do you think reality is?

This has been happening for 3 years with Emerson. They gained traction because they were one of a handful of polls that ‘predicted’ Trump’s win in 2016. They missed awfully in 2018. They are my Alma Mater (something that would make me proud) and I don’t trust their work.

Well ok. On the other hand it still leaves the question of why 538 gives them an A- grade and why we should trust polls that got it so wrong in 2016.

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Those same polls you say got it wrong in 2016 got it right in 2018. Maybe there’s something 538 likes in their methodology (they used to have an A prior to 2018, by the way). I’m much more concerned they’re trying to find big pockets of diverse voters in weird locations that aren’t representative of reality, like Rasmussen searching for voters who supply these extremely unbelievable numbers. If you have two big outlier polls, you’re not supposed to trust the outliers even if they end up being right.

I have not looked at their methodology at all so I don’t know what they factor in, just that they’re a major outlier like Rasmussen all the time.

The thing about this is that there’s no way imo that people looking back will say THIS was the last free and fair election. It would be 2016, maybe, simply because Trump wasn’t in power yet, but more likely it would be 2012, before the Supreme Court invalidated the important parr’s of the VRA and Republicans had time to ramp voter suppression back up. Given that, we are all stupid for just playing along like this will time will be on the up and up. We should all be out protesting or plotting a revolution right now.

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Mainstream Democrats not as stupid as previously thought…

Three in four supporters of Democratic challenger Joe Biden are worried about the prospect of Donald Trump rejecting the US presidential election result if it goes against him, an Opinium Research poll for the Guardian shows.

The survey underlined fears that the president will not accept the outcome of November’s race, triggering a constitutional crisis. Last week two congressional Democrats wrote to the Pentagon seeking assurance that the military would ensure an orderly transfer of power.

Nearly half of all Americans (47%) say they are worried about the possibility of Trump losing the election but refusing to concede defeat, Opinium found. Among Biden voters, that figure climbs to 75%, whereas for Trump voters it stands at 30%.

Conversely, two in five (41%) Trump voters are worried that Biden will lose but not concede, as opposed to one in four Biden voters (28%).

Trump has spent months spreading disinformation and attacking the integrity of the voting process. He declared in August: “The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.” It appears that he is making some headway in encouraging Americans to distrust their democracy.

Three in five (60%) Trump voters are worried that the election is being rigged, according to the poll. More than half of Biden voters (53%) share the same concern.

This is an aspect of EVERYONE being on facebook and social media. Just like almost all the Republicans are on the same page with Qanon and the insane shit, democrats are all getting on the same page about how bad this really will be.

Like my FB skews young and progressive, but still even the olds are talking and commenting about the USPS shit, Trump being a fascists, and this possibly being the last fair election.

Lots and lots of dems know whats on the line mostly because the brave souls who still post on social media about this shit are spreading around the truth.


Lol imagine thinking this qualifies as insightful in September 2020.


I don’t know if you know this but your posts are completely devoid of insight and your jokes suck


Being a Ranger fan goes a long way tho


No police.

Second alternative, every geographic area with 1000 people gets to elect one cop from among its residents.

Hell of a question for nunnehi to ask!

more articles like this need to be printed in mainstream outlets. I’m not saying she’s not an idiot, but at least she’s waking up to the idea that she’s been a hypocritical idiot. People need tacit permission to go with their gut, and a lot of evangelicals I know hate trump and are uneasy about voting for him, but do so because of this issue. Give them an out.