This gap in people planning to vote by mail is going to cause chaos. There’s a very real chance Trump is winning in nearly every state on election night.

Pretty worried about this given an electorate that is already primed to distrust the outcome. Trump is going to go ballistic as his lead evaporates over the next couple days.

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Twitter needs to ban him and the media needs to be prepared and not air his bullshit.

Paging narrator.

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Each state probably handles vote release differently. Some states will be posting mail-in results that arrived before election day first. Some states will post in-person first. It will be really hard to know what’s going on unless we know how all states will be reporting results (probably not a bad lede for media outlets to be looking into right now). I have direct experience with this, and in my case based on my analysis, in-person results were most likely released basically last minus a few straggler votes (in-person was on days 5 and 6 of vote release).

None of that matters. 1/3rd of the country isn’t going to accept the results no matter what happens.


It will vary, but mail-in ballots are often reported last. There are a whole bunch of states this time that allow ballots as long as they are postmarked by election day.

The fak is this Wapo. Youth comes out = Trump crushes? :thinking:

i saw that earlier. the image changes itself. the article is also confusing, you gotta scroll down to see the effects of what you’re supposing



Lots of evidence Trump’s racism and LAW AND ORDER message is working in lol Pennsylvania, which makes sense because the left 95% of that state is insanely racist.


What, no Vince?

Couldn’t decide on a funny ordering.


Not sure the media fell for it as so much as they just want it to be a tight race but yep yep yep to above.

The media is all about dat horse race journalism at election time. Always has been, always will be. In a normal election time, this would be the time of the year to tune out of the news not into it. The best analogy I have is the news outlets (especially CNN) treat the last 3 months of the election like that seven day media period leading up to the Super Bowl. The pro tip is to not watch or read about any of that.

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I hadn’t seen Seltzer with a +8 national poll. Usually she just does Iowa I thought. But she’s one of the best in the business, and this is supposed to be at Trump’s zenith.


I vaguely recall that he’s some kind of folk hero on 2p2, but he was an absolute fucking clown on the 2016 election. Do not listen to his takes. They are the real wishcasting. I still remember his total garbage about “journo twitter” having the real scoop, and Hillary was a lock to win overall, but probably even 350+ EVs, no doubt she would win NC, good chance in Georgia, disregard this poll, disregard that poll. His takes can fuck right off.


I could be completely wrong, but I get the feeling people are less into the horse race aspect than past elections. Most of this probably has to do with the pandemic, but I think having two candidates who are less visible and their hearts are less in it doesnt help either.

They should make it an actual horse race, we’d have to sacrifice a horse’s back to Trump but we can just hold it at Santa Anita where that horse was going to die anyways.

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Like where the one with bone spurs gets sent off to the glue factory? Count me in.

Four legs good, two legs bad.