Ohio is just too similar to other rust belt states, and never going to be the tipping point, so it seems correct not to devote many resources to it.


This, plus there’s not even a down ballot senate or governor race. And it only looks like 2 or maybe 3 of the 16 house races are going to be competitive. Forget about Ohio. The ROI is just horrendous.

People: can we have healthcare?
Biden team: no but we will get some fake lawn signs in front of your video game house



Arizona +10!

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Russian hackers have leaked the personal data of nearly every voter in Michigan (7.6 million of the state’s 7.8 million voters), as well as the information of another million voters in Arkansas, Connecticut, North Carolina, and Florida, according to the newspaper Kommersant . The data recently appeared on a Darknet forum, posted by a user nicknamed “Gorka9.” The information was current as of March 2020 and a source at the security firm “InfoWatch” confirmed to Kommersant that the data is authentic.

For each American voter targeted in the leak, the following information is now available: full name, date of birth, sex, date of registration, home address, zip code, email address, voter ID number, and polling station number.

If you follow the Russian link, it sounds like there are hackers who specialize in hacking voting databases to collect smallish rewards for finding flaws.

I know yard signs don’t mean much, but I felt a giddy sense of elation this morning when I discovered that Biden signs outnumber Trump signs on my street. This is unprecedented, not because Biden voters/democrats exist, but because for the first time, they aren’t afraid to show it.

May I remind you that I live in East San Diego county, home of KKK-hood-in-the-supermarket guy, swastika-masks-in-the-store couple, and nazi-flag-on-the-truck dude.


My little flaming red town in Ohio already easily has more Biden signs than there ever were Clinton signs in 2016.


Minneapolis suburb:

2016: verrry few HRC signs. One guy a couple blocks away with Trump crap everywhere. Election day a couple more Trump signs appeared and then disappeared the next day.

2020: several Biden signs, but even more “all are welcome here” and “we believe in science” type signs. Couple BLM signs. Trump guy from above’s lawn/house are bare.


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I love hearing these stories. I know sign polls don’t mean much, but I truly want to hold on to a glimmer of hope that there will actually be an unrigganle blue wave on Nov 3rd-30th.

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way to ruin my buzz, dude

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Suburban Charleston - no yard signs of any kind, anywhere. Not even for local races.

In a Nextdoor argument someone claimed that 99.9% of police and military support Trump. I posted this. No response so far, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to hear that it’s fake and that everyone he knows supports Trump.

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is that a poll like the ones that showed hillary was going to win? haha checkmate lib


Stop :clap: paying :clap: attention :clap: to :clap: Emerson :clap: polls :clap:

Why? 538 grades them as A-.


It’s my Alma Mater. The ‘challenges’ the school has with math are well known inside the community. We had one math requirement we had to take because we were all creative types. Most struggled through College Algebra. It was taught by a 7th grade Algebra teacher. That should immediately make you skeptical.

Their polls have been consistently pro Trump for years and it completely missed with the 2018 election. I think it’s far closer to Rasmussen than an A- poll because their results closely align with Rasmussen while Rasmussen is continuously laughably wrong. It makes me think they’re looking for very particular sample types that aren’t representative of the real world.