I’m planning on creating a funny “speed voting world record attempt” video where i literally wait for the mail person, fill it out as quickly as possible before getting right into my car and driving to the registrar of voters office as a way of showing my facebook friends how easy it is to vote. Like I want to have my car started and window rolled down and just run out of my house and jump through the open window into my front seat before peeling out lol


Uhh 200k household is way too low that’s 7% of American homes

Are they objectively paying too much Federal tax now?

My “thinking” would be to increase taxes on the low end of this range very small amount, i just think that tellinv everyone under 400k “You’re doing your part, its all good” is really underselling the need for broad based collective action.

So I put up a large Biden sign a few weeks ago. It was gone within two days. I put up another regular Biden sign and yesterday my mailbox gets smashed.

Once I get my hands on another big Biden sign I’m wiring it to an electric fence charger. I also have a camera on it and my mailbox now.


And after that put it inside a bear trap



Georgia has 2 senate seats up for grabs

The normal one is a tied race

The other is the special election.

If we won both that would be huge for the senate.

I know it’s a long shot, but I can dream.

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So raising taxes on effectively what 15% of americans is an awesome way to lose elections

  1. 7% of households = 15% of population? Only if those households are way above average for household members.
  2. It’s still the right thing to do. If the Rs always lower taxes and the Ds never raise taxes where is the money going to come from for all the important projects?
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Yeah acknowledged. But whats the alternative? Are we just going to give up on taxes and use monetary policy to fund government through debt? I guess I could be convinced, especially if there is going to be a wealth tax component.


when fucking MTV does better than billionaires


The alternative is Mexico pays for the deficit i.e. what’re doing right now. Brrrrrrr.

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The crucial thing that has to happen with any tax increase is that normal people see a return on that investment. That’s really where government has gone terribly wrong in this country as well. We spend a massive amount of the budget on stuff that the median family gets zero tangible benefit from.

We’re going to have to raise a lot of money. I think we need to be more creative than just taxing income, and I think we have to do something real about tax havens. It’s definitely shouldn’t be possible to make a living advising rich people on how to exploit the tax system while not simultaneously being on the run from the IRS. The system really has to figure out how to stop lionizing angle shooting. The federal procurement process is riddled with angle shooting as well.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… we spend an awful lot of time asking ourselves if what the middle class and below pay in taxes is fair, when we should be asking if what the government spends on them is fair. The most regressive thing about the system is the part where it gives people money.


This is not the time to campaign on balancing the budget! Average Americans aren’t going to understand a nuanced tax policy. No new taxes on people making under 400k they’ll understand, and it leaves the dems plenty of room to raise the fuck out of taxes on families making over 400k and corporations.


Just don’t fuck up and forget to sign somewhere you need to sign…


I am paying too little in federal tax right now except SALT needs to come back because fuck the giant red state giveaway. I’m fine with paying more net even with SALT so long as those red state fuckers are paying their fair share.


I’m gonna make sure I practice everything and double check it and I think if I get it in early enough and there is a problem I’ll be able to fix it before nov 3rd. Like I’ll already have a sample ballot filled out sitting there that I just need to copy over. I’ll probably post it here if I can hide enough stuff to prevent a trainwrecking.

Wiring it to something that could actually hurt someone could land you in a world of legal trouble. some kind of ink or die or foul smelling or sticky substance that gets all over them is a better play. Best play is setting up a high-res camera and catching them.


Yeah I’m OK with that I’m just curious about what people think an actual good tax policy looks like.

I generally agree but I think in reality there is a ton of stuff that the Federal government does that adds a ton of tangible benefit, but there is this huge resistance inside the belt way to take credit for the achievements of the government. Republicans will never admit the government does anything good, and eDems desperately need to get over their nose in the air attitude that mass marketing is beneath them.