from last night but still



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Don’t read the replies. The number of lefties who don’t get the sarcasm is pretty sad.


We talk here a lot about style and framing, not policy. Yesterday Joe’s Twitter promised no new taxes on families earning under $400,000. That threshold seems … high?

Driving my niece around the neighborhood trying to get her to fall asleep I decided to tally the signs I saw. This area of NJ is pretty safely blue, but never really see much political signs on private property. I’d even say that if there were signs in the back they trended towards Republicans as those idiots are more vocal.

2 houses with Biden/Harris signs

2 house with BLM signs, one of which had every front window covered in hand made BLM art and signs

1 house that had a massive sign in a bay window, letter by letter, that read “Flush the turd Nov 3rd”. The kicker? Old white guy sitting on the porch. I waved and gave a thumbs up and he gave a huge smile and wave back. Felt so good.

1 “NJ is Trump country” sign, but they bgg had it right up by their front door. Probably afraid it’ll get taken if it’s on their lawn.

Other parts of the state are turning deeply deplorable though so I’m not 100% comfortable with the way things are trending. It was nice to see some anti trump and pro Biden sentiment in the neighborhood though.


whoa. I know they are grifting their way toward relevance, but this is actually really good.


i think its a good starting point, if we introduced a bunch of new taxes on only that bracket it will be hard for a lot of people to balk considering not many people make that, but would still bring in a good bit of revenue assuming they hit them somewhat hard.

Yeah, we should actually have a lot more tax brackets than we do.

A family of two MDs or whatever making like 350k combined are not the enemy here.

A family’s 400,000th dollar should be taxed at a reasonably high rate, but a family’s 40,000,000th dollar should be taxed at 100%.


Ok, but the electorate taking a collective step back was accurate.

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I gotta say… I hope our side gives them enough money that we can retain their services permanently. I don’t think they actually have any principles, so I doubt they have any reason to go home again. We could definitely buy them, and we should. Then we should use their ads nationwide in every race with our money. I’m sorry they’re better at this than we are.



This seems closer to the income of a single doctor not a pair of MDs.

Yeah I’ll be interested in their overall tax policy. I think if their tax platform doesn’t include investment in IRS enforcement it will disappointing. They should start getting paid what they owe before the worry too much about more income tax brackets.

I’d be interested to see how much revenue we’d bring in by increasing like $150k+ households’ taxes by 3% vs increasing ultra wealthy by 50% or whatever.

Like, conceptually I agree with you here but it’s also kind of convenient for a forum that is wildly over represented by people making low six figures to come to the conclusion that the people making low six figures are obviously not the bad guys.


The Lincold Project grifters are maaaaaybe capable of moving people from Trump to a candidate who’s equally beholden to corporate interests, but that’s about it. They have zero capability or desire to move people left on economic or environmental or endless war issues. The second the election is over we should tell them to go fuck off back to the GOP, but we won’t have to because they’ll gladly go back home on their own.


I watched the car town hall last night for 40 mins with JB & ill give my honest judgement here on his appearance.

I think all-in-all it was a passmark & I would vote for him after that, he made decent points about facts wrt the virus, showed empathy towards a healthcare worker who worked for less than minimum wage (Which he could have used to dismiss the Q he got from just before from the obvious Republican wrt people getting more employment assistance than what they earned) and generally gave decent answers.

Alough he made a few mistakes wrt his stutter, he still came across as being a decent person and I think these small mishaps made him more relatable.

I hope you people manage to oust this ogre, even if that resigns the UK to no trade deal so be it, we deserve it, as its a self-inflicted wound.

And us Scots are used to eating shit food anyways… /s :grin:


I think you and bored are both right here. Bored’s point stands that Dems need someone to do messaging that they are incapable of, and I agree with you that it almost certainly won’t end up being TLP.

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I definitely find it a little disconcerting to have the Dem nom making a “Read my lips no new taxes” pledge in 2020 when the government desperately needs more resources to fight climate change, deliver HC, and lift the most needy Americans out of desperate income insecurity. I understand the electoral instinct, like they need a simple story to cut off all the “socialists will raise your taxes” fear mongering.

I think a better tax policy would be framed as a deal:

Modest tax increases for families down to $200,000, to advance a progressive agenda


Soak the rich policy so they do the real heavy lifting PLUS rich people who evade taxes go to jail, period.

That may be electoral suicide but I think the middle class could be sold on this.


Yeah now that we know what good looks like going back isn’t OK. We need to pay whatever it costs to get real marketing people in there to do what they do.

This shit matters. Giant corporations don’t spend billions a year on marketing because it’s a waste of time. It’s fucking mind control.