Here’s A Richmond location. I see POC, I see cloth masks (I tend to give those people credit for being pro-mask, and not idiots), I see a long line. Thread has pics from inside.



In what fever dream is Biden winning OH?

From what I’ve seen, many if not most styles of cloth mask tend to be somewhat better protection for you and for others than the disposable surgical-style masks.

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First paragraph of that article:

Tens of millions of registered voters did not cast a ballot in the 2016 presidential election, and the share who cited a “dislike of the candidates or campaign issues” as their main reason for not participating reached a new high of 25%, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of new Census Bureau data.

Those people didn’t like either candidate. Imagine how much they dislike Trump now? Our country has some of the lowest voter participation rates in the world. All of our assumptions about what is politically possible are built around a world where voter participation is at 50-60%.

Here’s a really fun map: If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate In The 2016 US Presidential...

So yeah we win OH by a landslide in an election where turnout is 75% and 85%+ of those additional votes were straight up anti trump votes.

I didn’t put a ton of thought into it. I just wanted to express what that line of people made me feel like, from sea to shining sea.

Idk Wookie. Voters have two unprecedented motivations.

  1. Vote against Trump
  2. Vote for Kamala

Can you even imagine Hillary acting like this and not coming off like an awkward robot? Voters are inspired.

I want to see more of this from Kamala, whereas every time Hillary tried to act human, I was like oh god, please stop. I will vote for you. It’s fine. Just please stop.


Once a month I have a fever dream of optimism. Don’t kill my vibe.

Incredibly surprised that the first female POTUS will actually be a gifted politician. I’m never going to forgive HRC for this. She’s still more culpable for where we are than Trump is.

OH is well within reach in a fair election.

“I hate Trump” doesn’t drive people to the polls; we learned that in 2016.

There’s a difference between “I don’t like Trump,” and “Trump killed my mom and is the reason why I’m stuck home trying to work and teach my kids at the same time.”


Let’s hope so, cause the Dems don’t seem to have anything else in their playbook.

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Yeah I mean I think if we get turnout to even 65% we could hit 400 electoral votes.

2008 it was 58%
2012 55%
2016 56%

So the realm of high turnout vs low turnout is 58% vs 55%. We haven’t had 60% since 1968.

If we have a race polling at 51-44 and turnout jumps from 58% to 65%, you’re talking about adding around 16-17M new voters. If they skew even 60-40 against Trump, we just netted 3.3M votes.

A 51-44 edge out of 132M votes is 67.3M to 58.1M. Adding the 60-40 take of an extra 16.5M makes it 77.2M to 64.7M out of 148.5M.

Thats 51.9 to 43.5.

That’s an extremely conservative split of new voters I’m guessing. They’d have to skew heavily against Trump. At 70-30 you’d be at about 78.9M to 63M.

That’s 53-42. That’s huge.

Doesn’t this mean we’ll need to wait 2 weeks for Michigan results? Kinda crucial state there.

I’ll take the “yes” on $100 that its over 60% this year if anyone wants the no.


But “I hate the incumbent” does drive people to the polls. Trump wasn’t an incumbent in 2016.

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I’ll take the no side. But only if proceeds go to charity.

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Susan Collins won her last election 37 FUCKING POINTS. She is down by 5. That is a 42 point swing in 6 years.


Booked if the winner picks the charity

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i feel fairly comfortable turnout will hit 2008 levels, maybe not for votes that get counted, but for votes cast it should.

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