He didn’t call you a Nazi and maybe don’t cry about being called names in the same sentence you call a bunch of people “moronic shitheads”.

Just sayin.

Hey, fucking moron, I’ve also said the same about a lot of cops being decent people who are trying to help people and lol about that all landlords are bastards you fucking moron.


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Am I the only one who thinks that meme looks like Katy Tur?

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This is a political ad.

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Crowdsourcing some help here. For the past couple months my friend and I have been respectfully and firmly tagteaming a group text with 9 of his midwest swing state relatives. All Trump voters. We may have an opportunity to peal off one of his cousins, she just sent him this text(lightly edited to ensure anonymity).

“Hi John. This is your cousin Mary. I am messaging you with a sincere question that I hope we can keep between us and not bring it into the family group chat. I am asking you this because I perceive you as being very intelligent and more thoughtful than you let on. (I mean that it a good way…lol!) I am super conflicted about the upcoming election. This is obviously not a chat I am going to have with my Dad or my brother. I am surrounded by die-hard Biden haters and die-hard Trump haters. My question for you is…why should I vote for Biden? I am not asking why Trump is terrible or all the reasons I shouldn’t vote for him. I am truly trying to figure out why I should vote for Biden. Can you help me out?”

Help please. I know how to destroy Trump, but stanning for Biden is outside my wheelhouse.

Time to shine radical centrists, I need pro-Joe arguments without comparing him to Trump.:grinning:



I hate to be like this, but TBH if someone genuinely can’t find reasons on their own to vote for Biden over Trump, they are voting for Trump.

On the one hand, they have a fascist asshole that has destroyed the country so badly that I haven’t been able to see my mom and dad in 7 months and literally am not allowed to set foot into huge swaths of the globe.

On the other hand, are Biden’s policies a bit too soft on brown people and pregnant teen mothers? Meh, I just don’t know what to do.


Suburbs have swung drastically but rural areas have gotten even redder.

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I get what you’re saying and empathize with you. Although nothing in your post is untrue, it’s not going to push her in the right direction. One of our biggest challenges in these conversations is superimposing our experiences onto others and assuming that they know everything that we know in our reality.

I work in sales. She’s asking buying questions. Let’s close this deal UP! :smile:

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I would start by asking what issues are most important to Mary and tailor my argument to those issues.

The #1 reason to vote for Biden is that he will have a sane COVID response, but maybe that’s not a compelling argument for her. Coronavirus is an example of how Democrats and Republicans think about policy. Biden is a standard Democrat and Trump is a standard Republican. How they think about COVID is similar to how they think about everything else. Trump is concerned with maximizing his own power/wealth and making himself look good.

The very basic understanding of how they think is that Trump and Republicans care about property over lives and Biden and Democrats care about lives over property. If you care more about protecting your own property, you should vote for Trump. If you care more about protecting other people’s lives, you should vote for Biden.


Great suggestion. That was the first thing we responded with.

Even if she only comes back with one or two reasons, I wanted to crowdsource so that I’d have a handful of bullets to fire regardless.


I work primarily with trauma-exposed kids and teens in my private practice. I cannot express how terrible Trump’s deranged, anti-empathetic rhetoric has been for their mental health and sense of safety in the world. Those who aren’t carrying the neurophysiological weight of PTSD will never understand this, but it will be an incredible gift for these kids - and the millions of others like them - to spend the next four years looking up at compassion rather than cruelty.

Biden isn’t amazing (and LOL the DNC), but he’s suffered some incredible losses himself and what I’ve seen suggests that his own pain has deepened his capacity for empathizing with others. America is profoundly better off with a calming and caring presence in the Whitehouse, even if nothing else changes.


The fact no one can articulate Joes vision for the country is a problem.

Luckily Trump is extremely incompetent and people that were willing to gamble on an outsider won’t vote for him again.

Seriously the best way to assuage potential conservative-ish Biden voters is to show he’s tough on crime and a capitalist to the bones.


I hear you - I know it sounded dismissive and ugly, but I couldn’t help it, lol.

Do you think there is anything you can say that would sway her?

That said, I’d start with:

He’s a decent, serious human being that won’t constantly troll everyone.
He won’t pretend COVID-19 is a hoax that’ll just go away, so maybe we can go outside again someday without playing Russian Roulette with our lives and the lives of our families.
He will try to move the ball forward vis a vis climate change.
He’ll try to squeeze more tax money out of the uber wealthy.
And like Microbet said, he will pay proper deference to our capitalist overlords and save us from dirty dirty socialism.

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eh, don’t talk about policy. Talk about values.

when it comes down to it, people vote on how the feel, not what they think. You’ve probably seen it, but our most effective ad by FAR is the one where Ammar is talking about “east county grit” and he’s saddling a horse, shooting a winchester, tossing hay bales, etc. It’s fucking ridiculous and it works, even on Democrats.

The republicans I’m texting are 99% idiots, but the 1% that are open to having a convo all respond best to shit like “standing up for everyone in the district” and “rugged individulaism” and “not being afraid to buck the party”

This speaks to their values of truth, justice, and the American way. Also, they love “freedom” so talk about how Joe’s HC plan gives freedom of choice. or Joe wants you to be free from COVID.

Basically, imagine you’re John Wayne and talk that way.



1 he is a good person
2 he tries to do the right thing
3 he will listen to dr and scientists to get the virus under control
4 we will have a stable and sane foreign policy
5 health care will actually be protected


That’s a strong line to take. Maybe the strongest. Probably because it’s so true.

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