President Trump, clearly, said the house was in play for the republicans during the debate tonight. He even mentioned it a second time.


Didn’t he use much stronger language and say that Republicans would win the House because of Pelosi?

Claudia Conway channeling this thread perfectly:

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All this means Is the media will ask Biden “What do you have to say about this allegation you had no role in this purported business”?

Huh? Joe’s vision of the country is to get out of the madness we are now in. It’s the correct vision.

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Jesus wat.

Lack of madness is bad for business tho?

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“What kind of house do you want to live in?”
“Idk dude, someone just shit on my rug and I want to worry about cleaning that first”

If Biden wins, what SCOTUS and Trump might do by inauguration could be insane. We’re not in normal times, who the fuck has time to plan shit.

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Stuff like this keeps me up at night

This was one of the highlights of the last debate. Trump again admitted the true infection rate by saying that if Obama/Biden had faced the infection rates present throughout the US, even more people would have died than have under Trump with COVID.

It was at once the most coherent and yet dumbest point he made the whole night.

What can you tell us about Mary?

My default answer with no more info would be:

Joe gives a damn about the average person. He grew up working class, so he has some idea what it’s like and he cares about people other than himself. There are stories of him giving his personal phone number to strangers dealing with grief, dealing with illness - that’s who we are as a country. We care about our fellow Americans.

Joe knows that when a hurricane hits Texas or Florida, or fires rip through California or Texas they aren’t hitting red states or blue states, they’re hitting American states. He knows that just like Bush knew that, just like Romney and McCain knew that, just like every president in the past has known that.

So much of what a president does isn’t about left or right, it’s about listening to experts and crafting the best response, leading our country and setting an example. What do the epidemiologists say about a pandemic? We need someone who will listen to them and put their best advice into motion.

If she has a daughter I’d get into what Trump’s misogynistic tone does to our country.

I agree with showing the video of Joe with kids who have been through trauma or have stutters.

You might also say something about how he was good friends with McCain because they disagreed on a lot of issues but they agreed on the most important one: what America is all about, and that’s what this election is about. A moderate Republican should eat that up.

I also agree with skydiver. Speak to values and feelings. Freedom, country, patriotism, family, God, etc. Whichever you think are biggest for her.

Also if she’s a big McCain fan or mentions him in a positive way in response to any of this you might be able to elicit some values from her and use them… For example.

You: You know, McCain was never afraid to put country over party. He bucked the Republicans a few times. Why do you think that was?

Her: He was principled/He loved his country most of all/He cared about the people more than his party/whatever.

You: Yes! That’s exactly right. McCain (repeat what she said back to her in slightly different words). Biden is the same way! He (rephrase the same thing and try to apply it to something else).

I know plenty here would puke at the McCain worship but if you want to change minds and win votes you have to throw them a rope and pull them in.

For bonus points, after you’ve got her or after she votes, try to move her to the left on the easiest issue. She’ll be more open to it psychologically after voting for Biden, because that’ll be her team for this election and she’ll want her vote to have been for the right stuff.


Well that should good for the people who want to get back to having brunch on weekends guilt free.


which poles? pls don’t premature meme.

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“Because robots are strong.”

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Honestly as others have said, the healthcare argument is probably the best one to make, it’s the one most relatable by the most people and it’s the easiest. That really should be enough for most people.

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The PA pole is A+ rating on 538. Muhlenburg college.


Biden back to 88-12 in the 538 model.