I’m sure not. But I’m also going to give Biden the benefit of the doubt until he fucks it up. This is a really unique moment, and I can honestly say that I have no idea what is going on inside his head. There’s a nonzero chance that the last 4 years have shaken all of us up a bit… even career Democratic politicians.

I’m also not going to agree with comparing Obama to Trump. I respect your work obviously, but if that’s how you see things we disagree. I can’t say I don’t empathize with the viewpoint from the perspective of someone who is routinely down range from the rubber bullets. They probably feel pretty similar in that spot.


To the protestors being abused by the authorities under both administrations, yes, they do seem the same. But to me, someone who preaches to those protestors, it’s different when Obama does it.


I’m certainly not going to give BIden the benefit of the doubt, he’s a schmuck politician. But I’m going to put my faith in the progressive movement to push him enough to where doing good stuff will benefit him politically and his legacy.

I’m putting my faith in that these evil fuck centrist who have infact done tons of horrible shit will start doing good shit because it would be politically beneficially. All the awful shit they did was super popular at the time, so if we make good shit popular I think we can push them that direction.

Like they didn’t do the crime bills because they were evil, they did them because there was massive political support for it.

You guys got to stop thinking of Biden as a good man or a bad man, he’s a schuck politician who will do what he thinks will give him and the party the best chance to win going forward.

That should be court reform, voting rights reform, getting kids out of cages etc.

All that said you guys should stop being assholes to each other and trying to dunk on each other, It’s gross, we can debate and and push ideas without being assholes. being an asshole isn’t really progressive. Centrists aren’t bad people, they’re just naive, so show them compassion and make your point through that.


Disclaimer I took a xanax for these debates so I might be rambling a ton of nonsense.


I’ve been pretty clear about how I see the presidents options. I don’t agree with the argument that Obama personally approved of every single thing federal law enforcement ever did. Particularly not a bunch street level feds working in interagency task forces quasi embedded with the local cops.

A lot of these criticisms I’m losing my shit with are just profoundly results oriented, rely on a massively exaggerated sense of what a president can do that is pure Trump era, and suffers from a serious dose of hindsight being 20/20. You guys want super hero Obama when he was just a guy doing a hard job to the best of his honestly considerable ability. It did not go all that well. Trump is showing us that it’s possible to have a far easier hand and fuck it up much much worse.


I think Biden truly is a fundamentally decent and good man. There are so many stories / clips of him being an empathetic person without any benefit to him personally. It’s a big mistake to do the classic “they all suck” bullshit. I’ll listen to and probably agree with critiques of his record but he isn’t a bad person, far from it.


Lots of people who vote for Trump aren’t bad people. Many are better than people who vote for Biden or Hillary or Obama or Bernie. My ex-sister-in-law who seems to be a deplorable (I only hear about Facebook stuff second hand) is one of the best people I’ve known as far as being personally empathetic. Reagan may well have been a very decent person, on a person to person basis. Lots and lots of Nazi party members in 1939 were kind and generous to the people they came across and thought they were doing good.


I think what you’re saying is empathy and being nice aren’t enough

Trump has already said that there are fine people on both sides. No need to reargue it.

What motivates them to vote for him other than lack of education/brainwashing? Admittedly maybe I am snobbish (and also not American) but any conservatives I know I consider to be fairly unintelligent and lacking empathy.

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I get what you’re saying. They can be great friends, neighbors, fathers and mothers. But I can’t square people being ok with separating screaming children from their parents and putting them in horrible conditions. Like even if you’re nice and polite to those around you, you’re still a piece of shit.


My ex-SinL is not dumb, but not a genius or anything. Very empathetic and helped a lot of people. Never heard her say anything remotely racist. She grew up in a conservative, rural area with a conservative family and everyone having guns and is one of the millions who falls for the propaganda.


I seem to recall the Obama administration not fucking up a disease outbreak.


They either don’t believe it or think it’s no different than what the Dems did. (Some of them. Some want that shit. A lot of Dems may not officially want that shit, but think you’re not a country without borders and support policies that make that shit inevitable. Absolutely inevitable.)

Hey, fuck off.

Basically if you don’t agree with the moronic centrist shitheads around here you get called a Nazi. Motherfuckers.


LOL…so you think all cops and landlords are bastards, but Kindly Kansas Karens just kan’t avoid succumbing to the propoganda.


He didn’t call you a Nazi and maybe don’t cry about being called names in the same sentence you call a bunch of people “moronic shitheads”.

Just sayin.

Hey, fucking moron, I’ve also said the same about a lot of cops being decent people who are trying to help people and lol about that all landlords are bastards you fucking moron.


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