Try vyvanse

karen in my neighborhood got slapped for violating the sign ordinance

the commenters have a distinct lack of respect for LAW and ORDER


Working Families line is always my favorite way to cast a protest vote in NY. That and sometimes the independence line.

Eh. I already know I don’t like Adderall but it works. That’s a good thing. I’m honestly not trying to live the rest of my life like this. I just needed to go into easy mode for a while. Specifically I need to actually execute a prospecting campaign at work complete with follow up and everything, and I need to build a few really key habits. Once that stuff is done I’m going to go back to being someone I actually like.

The difference between D and R election forecast twitter is completely staggering. R’s are obviously cherry picking polls but they’re making better arguments somehow where D arguments are mainly but muh polls.

but then you get to reading NV early voting where both sides are 100% sure it’s great for them and they’re winning. wut

Regarding AOC’s genius? Well, first we should wait to see if he even agrees with AOC regarding voting 3rd party… or not. Otherwise, he hasn’t articulated a coherent point as of yet. So far, he’s just whined incoherently about the “hard left”.

For those who haven’t heard of it, this type of 3rd party action is called “fusion voting”…

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It leads to weird corrupt results though . For example on Long Island, it’s not uncommon to find candidates cross-endorsed by the democrats, the working families, and the conservatives. In other closely divided counties the Independence party is super powerful and wields a ton of influence because they get to play kingmaker.

We don’t have fusion in CA, so IDK. How common is a major party officeholder like AOC promoting a minor party (like this tweet)?

ETA: I was wrong regarding not having fusion in CA…

Donald Trump appeared on the 2016 presidential ballot in California with two ballot labels by his name, as the nominee of both the Republican Party and the American Independent Party, a small far-right party. Trump was the first fusion presidential candidate on the California ballot in at least eighty years.

The fact that both sides of this argument think that tweet supports their point of view sure seems like an indication of AOC’s brilliance!


No idea, but I mean, it’s a logical tweet, and people in NY do that sort of thing all the time. The corrupt results it leads to though is all the independence, conservative, and working families party officials and their family members mysteriously getting cushy government jobs for life, or judgeships. But that’s NY.

I don’t think anyone ITT has said they are in favor of AOC’s tweet. Mostly a different discussion to what was above anyways.

Vermont: Top 3 in each of being old, white and rural. Yet Biden’s gonna win by 30+.

I don’t know exactly we buck the trend of old white people here, but someone should figure that out. Obama even won by 21 in the 2008 primary here when almost every Northeast state went for Hillary.



Who could have possibly predicted that Donald J Trump would find the point of diminishing returns for negative campaigning and rocket past it into the sun. This is all going to seem really obvious in hindsight isn’t it?

Fuck you historian, I hope we got far enough away from this situation for you to think this is all funny and have a good laugh. You’re a real piece of shit. I hope reading this ruins your day.

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The GOP has changed your post’s vote


I think the most underrated quality of Biden is that he sure seems like an actual caring and compassionate person. I think his favourability was bound to increase as voters paid more attention to him and he was contrasted with just the constant shitty person that Trump is.


You far left dude’s want to see me criticize Biden?

Here’s the claim: https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1319294943110729730

I hereby fact check and find it conclusively false. Joe Biden’s helped spearhead a bankruptcy bill probably on behalf of his states banking and money laundering interests. That sucks in real life. See how I didn’t have to compare him to Trump (who is an incredibly inept career criminal) to do that?

Of course if we’re being honest with ourselves all my fact check tells us is that everyone who was successful in politics from the end of the Carter administration through at least the beginning of the Obama administration sucked kind of a lot. And none of them are ever going to be honest about it. Joe is going to go to his grave telling us that he’s worried about what weed will do to our brains, because if there’s no real harm done then the crime bill he helped pass was just pure unadulterated evil. That’s a lot of cognitive dissonance to take for something you can’t go back and change. I probably wouldn’t if I’m being honest.

My sincere hope is that he’s learned what he needs to learn from his life, including his often large sins.

God damn you couldn’t have this need-to-compare-things-to-Trump thing more ass backwards.

