I’m guessing rural red districts are turning from red to batshit vince inferno red to counter the suburban districts flipping.


Both sides from the right:

But Obama puts kids in cages.
But Hillary e-mails too.
But imagine how politicized the response from coronavirus would be if Obama were in office!

Both sides from the “hard left”:

Both sides support and have contributed to the carceral state.

Both sides support and take support from the military-industrial complex.

Both sides are in the pockets of the bankers.

Both sides have contributed to the widening of income inequality by supporting pro-corporate tax policies and dismantling social programs.

Oh, here are the receipts, and yes, Republicans have been worse but Democrats are far from acceptable and have facilitated a lot of this by presenting a more palatable face to their side.

It looks to me like you are bothsidesing.






OK got some new polls:

Bernie +7 in NE
Bernie +3 in KS
Bernie +4 in MT




@Narrator please tell this man what he’s won when this gets appealed to the US Supreme Court


Only if you, like Trump, believe the president possesses magic powers. Being president is a job with specific responsibilities and specific powers. I think Obama did his best and had the good of the country at heart… and I also think that his hand sucked.

Trump is absolutely none of the above. The argument you are trying to make is that the instant someone becomes president they are able to snap their fingers and make whatever they want happen. It simply isn’t so. One of the primary duties of the president is to enforce the laws of the United States. I’ll agree that Obama maybe could have thrown a few more blocks for people trying to cross the border, but he didn’t have the benefit of hindsight and know what the next guy was going to be like. When things started he didn’t even know what Mitch was capable of.

I’ll happily point out all the mistakes Obama made. I personally think he just ran like shit and lost a couple of big flips early and was hugely constrained by that for the rest of his time in office.

The thing that pisses me off is comparing one guy, who took over the country at its lowest point and did a lot of inglorious but necessary work… to Donald Trump who took over a great situation and crashed the whole country into the ground like a 737 with a bum autopilot. It’s just a lazy trash argument and it’s anti context which I hate for separate philosophical reasons.

Do not compare decent human beings to Trump. It, like comparing groups to the Nazi’s tends to make you sound like a crazy person. We’re not going to start comparing people who disagree with us in semi reasonable ways to Trump. It trivializes just how bad this last four years has been.


Just want to remind you, my initial foray was “Obama treated protestors as badly as Trump,” a statement that is off by a matter of degree at worst and your best point is that Trump has verbally encouraged the cracking of skulls that might lead to worse outcomes in the future, though I’m not sure you made it.

Everything else that’s come up is on you. You tried to strawman me into some civil rights stuff, dismissed me as hard leftist then tried associating my point of view on PROTEST with all sorts of other junk, then started talking about Bernie, managed to call me a racist, and now are suggesting that when we say “Obama didn’t do x” that I am so stupid that I believe the president has magical powers and could fix everything.

This has been a tour de force.


He absolutely didn’t treat the protesters as badly as Trump. Occupy Wall Street lasted for TWO MONTHS before the NYPD was allowed to actually fully clear them out. What did you think was going to happen? They were just going to let them hang out there forever at the global capital of finance? I’m amazed there was that much restraint in the corrupt corporate sponsored quasi Democracy we live in.

Meanwhile Trump has been cheering on the absolute worst behavior of both law enforcement and his far right supporters. Again we have a situation where the two things aren’t comparable because you’re blaming the POTUS for every single part of the federal government response.

The president only has two options in this spot and those are to speed up the progression to violence or slow it down. Given how fast things turned ugly under Trump which one do you think Obama was?

I’m sorry this is me telling you that these are not both apples and you’re telling me they are both fruit. Yes but one of these is a fucking lemon dude. They aren’t that similar.


boredsocial putting on a clinic itt

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AOC endorsing 3rd party vote for POTUS just now…



Georgia is up to 55 percent, NC at 51 percent, Texas at 66 percent.

I think you just accidentally proved boredsocial’s point


The US Supreme Court isn’t getting involved in whether Texas allows people to vote by drive-thru. Mostly because if this issue is determinitive of who wins Texas… then Biden is already President.

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I appreciate that the “centrists” on this site are honest, in that they have chosen appropriate avatars to represent the mountain of shit they’re about to stuff into your ear

terrible centirst avatars


Very little of this is federal. Not that talk is unimportant, but it’s mostly talk.

Obama did sign a Republican sponsored bill making it easier to prosecute people for protesting on or near federal property though.


This take is horrible. We are all dumber for having read it, I award you no points, and may God have mercy upon your soul.


Adderall is a hell of a drug. This shit’s not fair I’m on roids.

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“Officials say Russia’s ability to change vote tallies nationwide is limited.”