A female friend said she pulled up to an intersection and got blasted in the ear last Friday by a Trumper with a fking bullhorn. Cops 20 feet away do nothing. Black guys driving by with bass booming in their cars get insta ticketed.

We’ve already agreed to disagree about AOC. I know you think she’s a moderately above average political talent, and you know I think she’s a generational political talent who will likely end up the leader of the Democratic Party, not just the left wing of that party before she gets to be your age.

There’s no version of a generational political talent who doesn’t pick their spots carefully and know how to compromise and I think she’s already shown ample capacity for both.


The thing you also don’t recognize is she is miles left of Bernie and much less compromising.


Argh that sucks.

It’s physically impossible to be more than 2% more uncompromising that Bernie Sanders lol. That guy probably has the lowest agreeability score on the Big 5 in national politics.

This is in the same town where a couple weeks ago I posted about the police chief holding a press conference about a Tik Tok challenge where teenagers were stealing Trump signs and “dozens” had been stolen so the cops felt they just had to alert the media.

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You also don’t know anything about Bernie.

Ah the old ‘you disagree with me so you know nothing’ line. I’m going to accept that as you conceding defeat. Make a real argument or I’m going to take my toys and go home lol.



I see lots of people ready to Push Biden Left After The Election ™

Warms the heart.


Be interesting to take some AOC quotes and criticisms of dems and not attribute them to her to see the apologetics come out for the eDems.


Headline reminds me of this thread:


Living through this isn’t pleasant, but I’m looking forward to the results.

I hope everyone who read my comments in this thread knows that I’m going to be pissed at Biden when he does shitty stuff. I’m just genuinely bothered by anyone on our side comparing anyone on our general side (and yeah the guy we all voted for president is ‘on our side’) to Trump. It’s offensive, it’s inaccurate, and the only people helped by it are on the right who will use this type of commentary to reinforce their both sides arguments. A few people ITT have literally made that both sides argument for them today, and yes that pissed me off. Still not sorry.

How much we get done in the next 2 years is entirely a function of how many Senate races we win and how willing we are to actually wield political power. I fully expect to be enraged about weak tight behavior on the latter sooner rather than later. Talk of a bipartisan commission on court reform made my testes shrivel up deep into my torso too.

Still not ever going to be OK with Obama-Trump comparisons. There are none based in reality that are less extreme than Trump = -Obama or Trump = 1/Obama at the absolute most. How things are done and why is very relevant and some of you would like to see our side behave with a downright Trumpian disregard for our political system, which starting in 2008 as the first black president 1) absolutely wouldn’t have worked and 2) would have literally made us the baddies while it wasn’t working.

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I think this is a new pole, but not sure because of all the non-pole content iit

Public Policy Polling
Biden +7 MI
Biden +5 PA

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I have some hope because I need hope but I feel people like joe or other dems just go where the voters tell them and the voters are telling them to go left.

So they will go as left as they can without pissing off their donors. Which isn’t great, but its progress.

Also I hope we get lots of court reform/packing and voter rights out of pure self interest.

Obv joe was awful in the past. But part of that is because that’s what the voters wanted and what helped him be elected. No different than Republicans changing their stances when trump got elected, political hacks go with the flow and the flow is left.


This is really it. The way to get rapid change in Washington out of the establishment Democrats is to put the fear of a real primary challenger into them. The Tea Party really did a very effective job of moving the GOP right. If you want to move the Democrats left (and boy do I) the best way to do that is to donate lots of time and money (or even run) to eDems primary challengers. That’s sure as shit what I did this cycle. I’ve donated zero dollars to Joe Biden’s general election because I donated just shy of 6% of my pretax income to a variety of primary campaigns.

We need to get our people to turn out in the low turnout elections like primaries, weird off cycle elections, and midterms in bulk… then we’ll have the power to tell the Joe Biden’s of the world where we’re going… and many of them will do it with a smile.

Primaries are so fun too… you can vote, volunteer, and donate to someone you genuinely love rather than this milquetoast bullshit.



1/3 of the total 2020 vote should be in by tomorrow.

This is a dangerous post. Thousands of lurkers may decide it’s all over. Right Trolly?

Like lurkers aren’t really a thing and the few probably don’t give a shit, but all these McMahon gifs could be hurting Biden’s chances more than people saying he’s not anarcho-communist enough for their tastes.

How about some outrage?


Seriously, if it’s literally possible to measurably hurt the donkey’s chances by what we chat here amongst ourselves as ~50 ex-poker players on this obscure website… maybe we should just shut the whole place down.

Why even bother to take that chance ???/?


Wasserman from Redistrict is increasingly bullish, so if you want to live a little, the thesis is essentially that at the swing/lean R district level, stable genius is behind his 2016 performance by 10 to 15 pts, a pretty bullish sign given that the district omen was portending HRC weakness while the state polling averages still had her in the lead at this point.