I didn’t say not voting, I said not voting for the stupid potato. You can (a) vote for a 3rd party, or (b) skip voting for POTUS, but still vote for other shit on the ballot.

Two, it’s hardly ALWAYS dumb, but that’s a chat for a different thread.

Any angst over Biden losing is becoming increasingly absurd. What else do you want us to do with our free time?

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Can anyone tell me how many people voted in 2018?


All wrapped up? Why vote? What a particularly unhelpful time for this. Jesus.

Per Wiki, ~111M for House seats. 50.4% of eligible voters, highest midterm % since 1924.

I have an explanation but you’re not going to like it.

Keep on doing the Lord’s work. I just got DMs from 100,000s of people in all the swing states telling me that they saw michaeldavis’ & microbet’s posts and they are now totally voting Trump.

If 10 radical centrist posters can post about how amazing Biden is in the next 5 minutes, perhaps we can sway them back.


Donate now for an 8k% match!!!1!one!!


In my county there are around 20k more registered GOP than Dems. As of today, 42% of Dems have already voted, 32% of GOP have voted. This is in-person plus mail-in ballots. Feelsgood.

GOP holds in-person edge, big mail-in edge to Dems.

“Other” is slacking only 24% of them have voted so far


either rural/urban both turnout highly but only one is in the models or as an educated guess the people refusing are more likely to be trump voters.

A lot of rural house districts seem to be sparsely polled.

Kansas has a more liberal history from what I understand and Biden has polled tight there a couple times. Haven’t seen him poll as tight in those others. But we can just go with the No Malarkey Map.

The hero we need released this to campaign for Biden in PA.


there are a lot more college educated in Kansas vs surrounding states, people gotta stop fully correlating one state to another. Also trump hasn’t been good for farming which is why he isn’t a lock in Iowa.


College football has a lot to do with this.

I drove through Kansas a few weeks ago and saw Trump supporters holding signs on bridges across the interstate but Biden signs in the city. Felt like Biden voters were loud and proud while Trumpers are out begging for votes.

This is what I’ve been wondering. I’ve been saying I think turnout could be 65-70% which may blow likely voters models out of the water, but I’m not sure what they’re using for that stuff.

This (154M) would be an increase of 12% over 2016 totals which implies turnout around 63%.

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Centrists are the smart & practical ones. Everyone else is stupid.

Concern trolling. It’s always the concern trolling.

Then we finish off with this stupid,stupid,stupid canard. Cliffs: What a load of crap.



(I think its a bit of a stretch)

Florida Trumpers did that bridge shit in 16 and are doing it again this year fwiw. Over interstate overpasses and such, distracting drivers and generally causing problems, they should be locked up iyam

I don’t mind. I slow down and flip them off every time.