Post a photo of where you are

Just don’t drop any squid on anyone please.

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Where you are, not where you were. Don’t tell me you’ve been standing out there since before sunset. And isn’t it supposed to be snowy wherever you are?

Hmm…from the clothes people are wearing I’m thinking the picture isn’t from today and maybe you didn’t take it.

Biltmore Estate, North Carolina

Ok, maybe that was from today.

Long drive you had there.

(neverending picture game)

Not getting this reference.

@microbet yes, I’m in Asheville. 13 hour drive, but spread over two days because I’m old and really not interested in doing those sorts of things in one shot anymore.

Watchmen TV reference yeah I know

Are you at a Mayor Pete fundraiser?


Hey @Smacc_25 we got your stuff!


Nice… Its fantastic work and still stands out today, every once in a while just starting at 1 of his buildings here takes away the day.

We have quite a few in the city centre itself still in use today… 1 being a gallery and a centre for design and architecture.

Unfortunately we’re still morning the burning of his best work in the Glasgow School of Art where we partied back in the day. :pensive:

Great Photos BTW… Hope you had a great day… :blush::+1:

Definitely did. I’ve been a Mackintosh fanboi for decades and this was my first chance to really see any of his work in person. There wasn’t a ton of stuff in the exhubit, but Margaret MacDonald 's May Queen has always been a favorite so I was pretty excited to walk around a corner and see it.

Have they decided what they’re going to do with the School of Art yet? Last I heard they were still debating between restoring and razing.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Muriel is the one to follow for any updates, she said its getting rebuilt.

If you didn’t know the 1st fire damaged most of the inside but the structure was salvageable then it got set alight again. No-Ones been charged :pensive:And has destroyed it.

Hopefully someone comes in with money to help as it was truly the most loved building in Glasgow.


Went back to Big Cypress National Preserve this weekend to explore a cypress slough I’d been eying on google earth. Got a few photos that were interesting but nothing spectacular that really captures the primordial creepiness of this area. There are cypress knees that are as big as a coffee table and trees that are covered in bromeliads. The lighting is tough though because it’s very dappled and everything is so overgrown, I haven’t figured out how to take photos that have interesting lines and that really give you a sense of proportion of how big these plants are. Uploading: BDC8D5A4-206D-46A2-A9BE-A1EC5195A17F.jpeg…


A couple more:



Those are cool pictures, thanks for posting.


This looks like an irl Disney character from Ferngully or something.

He’s the leader in the forefront, talking to the protagonist, while all his homies chill and sway in the background.


It makes me think of that one creepy monster from Pan’s Labyrinth that has eyes in the palms of its hands.

Thank you. Photography is the one creative outlet I’ve found that can take me out of my depression. I share the photos that I enjoy and find interesting in hopes that other people might enjoy them, too. It’s nice to hear from others when they enjoy them, on occasion. Cheers! :)



The only problem is these photos are so good they may discourage others from posting our lame-ass pictures. :grin:


Those are great photos, thanks for sharing. That really is such a neat and eerie landscape.

Here is a fun one I took in that area. Hint: it’s not actually blurry.