Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

I am ok with destruction of property, but not vigilante justice. I think a mob outside their homes ends very poorly for all.

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Why would you say his name??? Do you hate us? Lol

Streets are half flooded from all the fire fighting, buildings are pouring water out of the upper floors


Someone tell Trump, he’ll change that tweet right away!

I don’t think they’re vigilantes either.

I could easily see a prosecutor thinking that it is better to wait out the violence so as not to give the impression of being forced to act rather than plodding along at their own pace. Some people just don’t like being told what to do.

I mean, I would venture a guess that police are generally ok with the destruction taking place. Even Hannity wasn’t willing to defend these cops. But now MAGA fucks can pretend the murder and the general state of society that led to this never happened, and just tut tut about thugs burning down their own city.

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Is it time to bring back the Black Liberation Army?


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MAGA fucks will always find something to tut tut about. We should just tell them to fuck off.


By the way, if you told me a week ago that I’d be paying no attention to COVID-19 this week, I’d have thought you were nuts. 2020 man.


Right. All the rioting will deflect attention away from the police offense. Looks like tonight they will crack down harder and eventually the protests will die out from exhaustion.

Yeah I mean to be clear I’m not saying “oh these protests only serve to help the right”. I’m in favor of them. I felt some immense catharsis watching that precinct burn. I just don’t think the police/DA are looking at this in the context of “don’t you realize you can stop this by arresting the murderer?” They’ll arrest him in 3-4 days and smugly be like “see, you just needed to let the system do its job”. Then in a year they’ll all be acquitted.


Yeah. But some can see the writing on the wall. It takes a lot of balls to watch a city burn down while you “investigate” especially when you know you’re going to eventually file charges anyway.

If thats the case… then they’ll figure out how to get the cop off, same as it ever was. We’ll keep doing the smaller protests for the normal ones, then in a few years some cop will manage to surpass this and some other city will burn.

If that’s the timeline, I hope they burn down the courthouse in a year.

Maybe if you’re not paying attention and/or perceptive

It’s the same way the pussy protesters in Michigan had no problems “standing up” to the police while holding AR-15s. They know they are on the same team so there is no threat.


The higher the escalation of the response to this atrocity is, the better off society will be in the long run.

This doesn’t seem like a power that could be abused by bad people.