Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Not sure if you noticed but he’s a white guy in a blue uniform.


But yes this is fucking insane on a whole new level.

All the necessary paperwork was at the third precinct building, obviously.


So if someone saya: “I think this will happen in a Biden administration and so I don’t really care about voting for him vs Trump”.
What’s the counterpoint?
Does that point still work if this person knows people affected by police brutality personally?

Find new friends.

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My conspiracy theory isn’t getting any love. Let me try again.

  1. Prosecutors want the four officers arrested as the evidence is overwhelming.

  2. A very large rogue faction of Minneapolis police is refusing to make the arrests.

  3. Instead they have formed a human shield around the home of the primary suspect.

  4. Other agencies have been called in but cannot make the arrests without going through the other cops.

  5. US Attorney said she was going to have news yesterday and delayed news conference for two hours only to have no news.

  6. She was the first one to talk even though the criminal case is in the hands of the county prosecutor and kept referring to the fact that Bill Barr and the President are monitoring.

  7. Meanwhile, they buy time by saying they are still investigating.

  8. I may be totally wrong and its just a routine case of prosecutors protecting the cops.


If this were some cops going rogue, I think we would have heard other cops leaking this to the media.

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You think these pussy Minneapolis police are going to actually try to stop the Minnesota State Police if they show up to arrest these guys? They’re going to stand up to US Marshals? No chance.


Did you see how many cops were surrounding the suspect’s house? Were they just trying to protect him from rioters?

This pretty effectively covers how fucked up policing is in America

I don’t think police agencies would turn against each other.

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If you thought he needed protecting from rioters, how many cops would you assign?

I don’t know. Probably not that many though. I’m just saying I think its possible there’s something going on that we don’t know about. That news conference yesterday was beyond worthless, and all things point to an arrest. The sooner it happens, the sooner the violence will stop. But its not happening, and the “we’re still investigating” line is wearing thin fast.

At the very least, one could suspect there is some kind of negotiation going on for the cops to turn themselves in under certain circumstances etc. Its been reported though that they are uncooperative with investigators and are taking the fifth.

DI’d you know Minnesota has a duty to retreat?


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I’m not sure I buy this theory, but I didn’t see a bunch of cops at the DAs house where there were tons of protesters yesterday…

Wouldn’t it be better if the riots were occurring at the cops’ houses instead of places of business?


I’m not sure I buy it either. I’m just brainstorming possible answers to why there haven’t been any arrests. I think most agree it makes no sense. Cause the arrests are going to happen at some point, wouldn’t we agree? Not doing it now only will lead to more trouble this weekend, and who wants that on their head?

I’m wandering though the aftermath right now, pretty wild. Buildings are still on fire. You cant get that close because the cops and national guard have the street blocked off but what I believe was the 3rd precinct building was smoking and half reduced to rubble.


Quick question: Is anybody here defending the cop?

I mean this thread seems like in*0 bait.