Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Wow a lot is normalized today but this is truly nuts. Fox proudly putting that as their headline is crazy even for them. Will be interesting seeing all their anchors spend the day defending the murder of protestors.

Nice touch on changing the twitter backgrounds to match

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Not protestors, dude. White people are protestors, black people are THUGS!

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NASDAQ opens higher.

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He’s not a good troll but he’s our troll :heart:


Cities being infested with COVID, THUGS and on fire is good for STONKS obviously.

Investors see a rise coming in new construction and infrastructure.


Trump should be thanking these protesters for our 32nd INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK

And they are all democrats. Hurrah for the bipartisan consensus that violence doers (police, military) are to be venerated without question.


Your count is low, did you get it from Brian Kemp and Ron DeSantis?

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Notre Dame burns - $800,000,000
Australia burns - $500,000,000
Amazon burns - $22,000,000
Minneapolis burns - Unstuck raises Minnesota native Klobmentum to the Vice Presidency to put out the fire




Imagine how many of these protesters are going to catch corona.


This is what the apocalypse looks like.

Fell asleep watching the news and had crazy dreams about this, then I wake up and realized the dreams were real.

Like what even has happened to this country?

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Yeah we’re likely to see a big surge in cases in Minneapolis in a couple weeks.

Generally avoid the news in order to preserve what’s left of my sanity, so didn’t know the extent of what’s happening in Minneapolis until I just read this thread. I echo the concerns about widespread bloodshed once the troops arrive. And then once that happens it seems likely to me that shit really kicks off in other cities, definitely including the one I live in, Los Angeles.

Generally I would agree that more bloodshed may occur today, but the State Guard and State Police are out in in force. Like the visual with AR-15’s and the solid roman 3 line infantry arrangement is pretty menacing. I realize the protestors are braver than I am, but I thinking walking into that phalanx is going to pretty nerve wracking.

Simply arresting and charging the person(s) will go a long way to calm things done. I’m perplexed why this has not happened. Surely it’s against the law to sit on someone’s head until they die.

I can’t think of a single rational reason the cop hasn’t been arrested and charged. This is lunacy.