Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

‘My America was never this thuggish’

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LIKE if you’re a red blooded American PATRIOT

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A mass of promises begin to rupture
Like the pockets of the new world kings
Like swollen stomachs In Appalachia
Like the priest that fucked you as he whispered holy things
A mass of tears have transformed the stones now
Sharpened on suffering and woven into the slings
Hope lies in the rubble of this rich fortress
Taking today what tomorrow never brings


I don’t think at this point that even an arrest stops the protesting/rioting. Nor should it. Call Donnie’s bluff. He is a giant man baby who is afraid to do much of anything besides hand out money to rich people. I don’t see him rolling the military in and killing people. He is all hat and no cattle.


Thousands of people need to march on the cops house and the DAs house. They need to surround it and not allow anyone in or out until every cop involved is charged and in prison.


Not sure about that. I remember him complimenting the Chinese for their handling of Tiananmen Square. Maybe he sees he’s not getting a second term and he’s just going to go ahead and start his police state now.

BTW the CNN crew was released. The cops say they were released after it was verified they were from the media, but that’s bullshit. They were on TV at the time.


At this point Minnesota leadership is actively rooting on the burning down of Minneapolis. I don’t know how you handle this worse but it’s Friday so let’s see what happens tpday


The supreme court has already ruled that every American is a journalist if they’re engaging in journalistic activity. There’s no such thing as “confirming” that someone is media just like there’s no such thing as state-issued press credentials. There’s no such thing as “official” media status.

The police wanted to clear an area and knew there would be no consequences for the illegal detention. That’s all.


Insane that the anchor provided no pushback to the governor saying the arrest was “inadvertent”. How the fuck do you “inadvertently” arrest someone?

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They did. They have called it a lie many times since then and had a banner calling it a lie. The official cnn twitter account called it a lie too.

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Does a single public official in Minnesota have any idea what the hell they’re doing?

This isn’t hard!

You might be right but this might result in A LOT of dead protesters. Cops that think they need 4 of them to pin down one black man are likely to open fire on a crowd that poses an actual threat.

This all goes back to the absolutely stupid and insane American idea that prosecutors have god like and sole authority in applying the law. Nobody can even make him charge them right?

He probably didn’t want to die as well

Ya that is the scary part. Even if it is peaceful this is a likely outcome.

It a lock that the derposphere will soon be saying Floyd was a false flag of antifa and he isn’t even dead. It was all an excuse to riot and hurt trump.

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2020 bingo card for massive, nation-wide social collapse filling up fast. I’d say we’re maybe two or three additional catalysts away aorn.


Not that it’s any shock but the front page of Fox News right now is completely bonkers and disgusting

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