Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

You have a pocket laser and can shine it in people’s eyes over a long distance, temporarily screwing with their vision.

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I think they’re mostly used to fuck with the equipment of helicopters/drones. It fucks with their equipment so they can’t see very well and are usually forced to retreat.

Though obviously they can be used to fuck with the vision of people on the ground too.


Obviously the story has moved on a bit now but one thing I really don’t understand is why the police make such a meal out of subduing someone who is face down on the ground in handcuffs. Strap his ankles and knees if you feel you have to but he’s not a crocodile.


Seems like USA#1 is just waking up.

Just waking up and so far more CNN journalists have been arrested then cops who murder people in broad daylight? Do I have this right?


This is surreal.


They didn’t do the knee in the neck. So they’ve got that going for them.

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I think they’ll start shooting people today / tonight. Could get really, really bad.

I know a few people in the guard out of Ripley. I would think they are as mad about the original incident as most people. Don’t think this is what they envisioned when they signed up. I mean, this in other countries sure but in Minneapolis? Haven’t talked to them in awhile or i would check in.

Agree. It just feels like death is on the menu today.

The police didn’t appear to have a real plan the last couple of nights and just sat back and watched (relatively speaking). Now that the national guard is deployed I expect there to be some coordination and also some dgaf mode tactics.

The prosecutors need to get in front of this shit ASAP. This “we’ve got to finish our investigation” bullshit is only going to cost lives and lead to more destruction. We’ve already seen what a two-day delay has done. I don’t see any way that they’re let off scot-free. Maybe there’s something happening that we don’t know about…like the cops surrounding their guys, refusing to take them in.

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This is what happens every time. They drag their feet to prosecute, don’t really try to convict and the cops get off. Same thing is going to happen here. They don’t want to convict cops.

Holy shit. And the president of the United States literally said “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”?? What the fuck.

Yeah. That happens the vast majority of the time, but the optics here are just insane. What do the prosecutors do though if they say “okay guys, lock em up” and all the cops refuse to do it?

Of course that’s what the “good people on both sides” guy said. It’s not wtf. Wtf would have been if he had shown empathy or understanding.

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So bad even Twitter flagged it.


It was such a stark contrast that the offending cop’s house was surrounded by his protective colleagues while there was a very minimal police presence where the action was. Couple that with the US attorney saying she thought she was going to have some news yesterday, and that’s why the news conference was delayed by two hours, and then she had no news. I hate to be the conspiracy theorist among us, but is it even possible that the prosecutors want to jail these four cops, but their buddies are saying no? If so, wtf happens?

Meh, all this is gonna do is give these guys cover the next time they harass a minority.

What? Oh no, we can’t be racial profiling. We spoke out against the George Floyd murder!

This just happens to be an 11 on the egregious scale

I can only imagine the proudly racist garbage boomers are sharing on Facebook right now.

Why imagine when it will almost certainly make its way into the president’s retweets?