Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

gotta respect them for going in the right chronological order even in crazy times like these




These guys otoh need some math lessons


Press conference at 2:25:00.

It’s hard to tell what’s true, what’s propaganda, and who is doing what. Hard to believe protesters would set an apartment building on fire.

Anyone see a jerkoff in a gas mask with an umbrella there?


Right wing trolls on Twitter are sharing a video of a black man yelling about his business being destroyed trying to pass it off as being from tonight, but it’s clearly from 20+ years ago. Probably from LA in '92.

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It’s an avalanche of stupid fake shit.

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Interesting video about some of the techniques in Hong Kong.


These guys used traffic cones and water for tear gas, also saw leaf blowers and water, in Turkey they used big jugs of water and someone would pick it up and drop it in - apparently that can cause an explosion, though.

Some thoughts to keep in mind…

Notice anything?

Not a single open carry coward in sight to protect his state.

This is a good thing, obv, but just continues to show what type of absolute blowhard these people are.


i thought it’s a highly extravagant apple store :(

I see three paths forward:

  1. Charge them tomorrow - at least the one who knelt on him.

  2. Don’t charge them, more of the city burns tomorrow night.

  3. Don’t charge them, gun down protesters.

All three are in play. I think he’ll be charged, I’d estimate it at 70%. If not, I think #3 is more likely than number 2.

I guess if they have the guard and tanks there from the start, they may be able to preempt the riots and avoid shooting them, but I think the protesters are going to be emboldened after tonight.

This is going to go down as one of the most insane years in US history.




when did they not go for 3?

Stream of the 3rd precinct police building burning:

Dude who is filming now can’t get to his car and has to go around some sort of bridge…

Holy Christ. CNN reporters get arrested live while covering the riots. Police are stone cold trippin’. USA#1 died tonight. I’ll remember witnessing this event like I hear boomers remember the Kennedy assassination. I’m legit shook. Regarding all of this, the murder, the fires, the police cross-checking a protestor. Stunned.



What are “laser attacks”?